The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots


The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

1.F--k your tiny car!

Ah yes, what luck, found a parking spot, dee dee dooo, feelin' like a winner today. Turn signal on, just going to zoom right in there...Ooooooooooooooh for f--k's sake you tiny bastard car! Who the f--k does this!!!

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

2. Guess I'll jump through the sun roof I don't have

When you come back to your car only to find the person or persons next to you have literally parked inside your car. Typically they are parked at such a sh-tty angle or way over the line. There simply is no way, they gently opened their door and didn't scratch your own. If they had passengers, they also had to slither out of their own car knowing full well, they were parked so close to you that it would be nearly impossible for you to open your door. This is a double f-you because they don't give two craps about their own car or your own, just that they could park...badly.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

3. Same difference

I applaud any lot that has bike specific spots because it keeps them from taking up a whole friggin' spot for their tiny tiny bikes, but don't then turn around and do this.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

4. Cart Parking

Don't you love this one when there is a cart corral right next to their car (or just anywhere in the lot really) and they still shove the carts into the spot rather than return them or shove them elsewhere. This is also great on windy days where the carts are just rolling around slamming into any car in their path because someone just couldn't be bothered. And you know what, I'm NOT getting out. I'd rather spend 2 more minutes circling like a half starved vulture for another spot then deal with this BS.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

5. Let's be friends

I know there is nothing wrong with this per se, but coooommmeeee on. It's a whole giant empty lot and someone decides they need to park right next to you?!? I am sometimes one of these people who doesn't want to get her car banged up by a bunch of idiots who can't park, so I park 20 miles away, alone, at the back, far from civilization, but when you come back and someone has parked right friggin' next to's like why tho? This makes me think I'm about to be mugged and/or let's me know this person also probably slammed their car door into mine.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

6. I'm not husky, just big boned

This is a blatant a-hole. He decided he was just going to take up two spots made for a compact car.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

And while we're at it, this...

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

And this...

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

And this...

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

7. It totally fits

I can't today with this...I just can't...I'm done for the day.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

8. It's a miracle!

Nothing pisses me off more than people taking advantage of handicap parking. There are people who NEED these spots and they are limited especially in situations like holiday parking. I have friends who depend on these parking spots being made available, because trust me, if they could walk and skip and jump, they would, but they can't, so to take a spot definitely earns you the a-hole award of the year.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

9. Drive through

When you find a spot, only to try to attempt to turn in, and someone has driven through from the other side to park, and now someone has parked behind them so there is no parking spot for you anymore.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

10. Parallel to what exactly?

Ever been stuck behind the person convinced that their giant truck is going to squeeze into a tiny spot for parallel much so, that they've backed in and out repeatedly making it impossible for you to pass. How about coming back to your car to find yourself completely boxed in because someone did squeeze their big a-- car into a tiny spot not meant for them to fit. Or how about the person parked in the street which they seem to believe was actually parallel to the curb.

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

When they said get as close to the curb as possible...

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

Wasn't aware you could just drive into a parallel parking spot...

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots

You're stuck aren't you...

The 10 Things That Irritate Me the Most About Parking Lots
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