Discipline is THE key!

Discipline is THE key!

Lets first agree that the main difference between a successful person and an average person, is a life style. So If you wanna be successful, all you have to do is change your life style. But first you have to know that in order to succeed you must have goals set for yourself, doesn't matter short-term or long-term, you just have to have a destination that you wanna reach, habits you wanna change! And the fact that you have somethings you wanna achieve is a clear sign of self-respect, which is the number one motivation for self-discipline.

A life style is a set of habits that we have developed over the years, which is why we can't suddenly change our life style. We must first change the habits that form this life style, one habit at a time. And this is the idea of minimizing, which is one of the two steps to achieve discipline; you have to focus on one habit that you want to develop or change and commit. And commitment which requires focus and patience, is the second step to discipline. After you have changed a habit you can move on to the next until you have changed your life style, which may take a couple of years or more of discipline. But of course if it's gonna lead to success, it's totally worth the work.

So what you can learn from this short article is simply that success is a life style, and to develop a life style you need to develop habits. Developing habits requires discipline which is motivated by self-respect, and achieved by two steps; minimizing and commitment.

Hope that was clear, thanks for reading!

Discipline is THE key!
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