Good Things About Womanhood


Wow so this is my first mytake and this is partly inspired by @omgjassy
Did you ever had a dream where you were the opposite sex?

I figured I would aim for more of a good view and considering this is all about girls asking guys, I figured it would be good to put out there what I think is good about being a girl. I had heard some interesting rants before so I am going to try to stay on topic and be positive and honest about it. This is my opinion and based on how I have seen things in society and my family and friends. This is a celebration of women, not a reason to say they have it better than us. But to say that both sexes have their parts. Well let's get started, shall we?

1. Pregnancy

It's the first thing that popped into my head, not the first thing that popped out. lol

Good Things About Womanhood
It really is more than just having a baby, it is the whole experience.

Good Things About Womanhood
Good Things About Womanhood
Good Things About Womanhood

There is a whole culture around it. It is a celebration and a fun womanhood experience. I know there is throwing up and uncomfortableness and the pregnancy pains but ask this, if mothers could say they would take it all back, would they?

Good Things About Womanhood

2. Clothing options

I suppose we can start with, how many clothing places are there in the mall for men and how many are for women?

I think just about anybody would say that there are clearly more women's stores than men's stores and with good reason. A lot of men don't care as much about clothing as women do. I think that's a pretty accepted fact. I know myself that if I got to get clothes I will be on a mission, we want it quick and we want it simple.

Good Things About Womanhood

And girls will fully enjoy the experience

Good Things About Womanhood
Good Things About Womanhood

That's not even getting into girl specific clothes

Good Things About Womanhood
Good Things About Womanhood

3. Hair

Girls have the most fun with their hair! They spend a lot time but honestly the time spent on hair is a small price to pay to for the fun of it.

Good Things About Womanhood
Good Things About Womanhood

4. Make up

Now I know you say natural beauty but this is clearly an advantage to women that most of the time is unacceptable for men.

Good Things About Womanhood
Good Things About Womanhood

You can not help but be drawn to the right hand side. This is a good thing.

Good Things About Womanhood

5. Generally more acceptable with children.

Good Things About Womanhood

Let's be honest, I googled babysitter with kids, how many images with men and kids came up? One, and I am surprised to see that. Girls are the best when it comes to kids and are seen as the best when it comes to kids and let's be honest, how many times do girls think kids are cute compared to guys? How about a higher pitched voice closer to a kids voice and on average shorter and smaller in body size, which looks less intimidating to a child.

6. Girls can been seen to be freer and have more fun.

Good Things About Womanhood

We as guys are more closed off and less able to get jiggy wit it. I have seen girls just be able to unwind and let loose easier than guys.

Good Things About Womanhood

Sure many guys can be the life of the party but I heard a song recently that said where the girls are that's where the fun is, and I personally think that to be true.

Good Things About Womanhood

(just ran out of pictures :( sad face) Lets come up with one final one. Lucky number 7

7. It can look and feel more attractive to be a girl.

Good Things About Womanhood
It just looks powerful me. I honestly don't know what makes girls turn heads but I feel like more often it's the guys that are turning theirs.

Well, hopefully you agree with most of my assumptions, hopefully there will at least be a good mix anyways. Cheers, as some gaggers would say.

Good Things About Womanhood
44 Opinion