Two face, we all have them !




Today I will be doing a Take on my other face , people have rarely saw this side of me, even if they do it is just for a few seconds there .

Suggested reading tracks:


My alter ego is still the main idea here, but we have something that is deeper inside us, we can't see , mostly it is natural , I know what I have, and how double edged I can be.

by the way inspired by @xTom98 Take on #MyAlterEGO , thanks man for stepping up for the dare :)

Welcome and step inside and see the bad side of me :

My good side:

You all see it, I am here to make things better, and make everyone safe and sound, happy, and without doubt I try my best to be polite and nice, helping out people and acting on my best, with the right ideals and good morals I always have and show, you like it , and I love it .

The good face
The good face

My other face:

Not many have seen it , even I don't see it much it is nothing out of this world, but everyone have a devil in I , so lets see, on a rare occasion , I would be dark and have a really reaally dark sense of humor, plus I really like physical contact , not hurting others, but I just like to play rough , I can play mind games (I did) and make people go off the hook , I can be provocative many times when I choose to, I have this guy who wears all black with a really long gote headbanging loud guy you don't know about too, lately I have been letting more of that side out, in my work space they always joke around and I started taking no B.S anymore, I would attack and roast and burn in a really creative way that would shut the guy up if he thinks of joking around !

It is as surprising as this !
It is as surprising as this !

Yes, the good polite Abd , would back fire and do such a thing as roasting or insult someone (even joking about it) .

There you go folks ,I have went and uncovered some of my dark side, it is only natural to have one or many faces, people needs to see different side of us, they demand us to show or make a new face , I am sure that I would never show my Two Face to someone who is good and kind to me.


This is a follow up of #MyAlterEGO , and I still dare anyone to uncover their masks .

And yes I am in the mood for some Slipknot !

Peace be upon you all

Two face, we all have them !
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