How to Build Self-Confidence and Live Your Best Life



By: wowgirl

How to build Self-Confidence and live your best life.


We don’t enter the world with confidence. No one has it all of the time. Talking about it won’t help you gain it. I’m referring to self-confidence.

We have particular difficulty developing self-confidence. We instinctively focus on everyone but ourselves. So taking the time for self-development doesn’t come naturally to us.

Girls often are encouraged to be passive, and not too daring or confident. After all, we don’t want to threaten all those guys out there!


Here are some ways to help anyone gain Self-Confidence.

From my experience there are several factors involved in the formula to bring you that confidence you crave. Here they are,

*Take responsibility for yourself. This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You, and only you, can make new things happen in your life. If you wait for serendipity to provide you with good fortune, or with increased confidence, you’ll be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel — no one else can do it for you.

*Begin to experiment with life. Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a toaster. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.

*Develop an action plan and implement it.Select one area for personal or professional development. Determine the action steps you will take to get there. Put these steps on a timeline. Now implement each step according to plan — no excuses. Every small step you take will be a great boost to your confidence!

*Stick with it. When you take on a new challenge, stick with it. Self-confidence doesn’t come from each thing you attempt. If it did, one failed effort would bring you back to zero on the confidence scale. True confidence develops from an increasing belief that you can rely on yourself to take action and follow through, no matter what the result.

*Act “as if.” If you put off taking action until you have confidence, you’ll never do it. In the field of psychology we have come to understand that by changing our behavior, we can change our feelings. So if you take action, and do so with a semblance of outward confidence, the inward, true feeling of confidence, will follow.

*Find a mentor. Do you know someone who is confident and continues to take one new risk after another? Watch how they do this. Muster up the courage to ask them to meet you for coffee. Find out how they do what they do, and ask them for feedback about your action plan and implementation. Most confident people are happy to help. They remember the courage and effort it’s taken them to get where they are today.


*Be around people who love and support you. Avoid Haters at all time (Hater's Hate ). Listen and take compliments serious from people who give them to you. Don't think whatever or he/she is just saying that to be nice. No, he/she is saying it because they mean it. Learn to take a compliment.

*Do something your good at regularly so your star can shine brite while in that setting. Focus on your good qualities not your bad. If you want to wear something nice that may help to because looking good helps you feel good. And last but not least, I suggest looking at yourself in the mirror and saying something positive about yourself everyday like I do.

Ex: I'm hotter then I've ever been

I look hot

My eyes look pretty today

I'm killing this outfit

I got this


Well, the truth is “out of the bag.” No more excuses, whining or walking with your head down anymore. Find your self-confidence and start living your best life.

How to Build Self-Confidence and Live Your Best Life
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