What Makes Others Stand Out For Me


I'm going to be listing some things that make people stand out for me,As selfish as It Is I cannot help but see the majority of people now as boring clones, Not everyone just the people around me.

Feel free to leave a comment about how spiteful I am. This Is gender neutral, and goes both ways.

1. Unique Style

I'm not talking about unique as In gothic,emo etc. Just what they themselves like, and something that I don't see all the time, I either see mainstream fashion trends now, or people who categorise themselves as emo or gothic, and strictly follow that look. When I see someone with more of a personal style I am more likely to want to know them, or be friends with them. It's not If I like the style, more the fact I like that the person has decided to do their own thing so more specifically "Unique-ness" (Thats now a word)

What Makes Others Stand Out For Me

Johnny depp Is a good idea of someone with a very unique and wacky style, I really like his rings, and how he never looks too dressed up, but at the same time he doesn't look underdressed either. No I am not saying "Dress like this otherwise you're boring I hate you!!!" This Is an example of what I mean by different.

2. Outspoken, and well opinionated people.

People seem afraid to share their opinions especially If they're very controversial, But I don't mind that It shows confidence and individuality, I specifically like people that don't follow the "Every shape and size is beautiful" bullcrap. When someone speaks up about how they don't like that, or just anything in general, their views, their preferences It's attractive, shows confidence especially when It's about something controversial. People who are very soft and don't want to offend anyone become bland, and less opinionated as they follow the media, which Is accept everything and everyone,so they don't build up opinions because more often than not they're offensive.

What Makes Others Stand Out For Me

Although I do not appreciate people who rant about the things they dislike all the time,that Is too much. Just don't think about the things or bother about the things you do not like.

3. Happy people

In today's "era" "society" People are very down, or depressed. We have all been there, and there Is nothing wrong with that, In fact recently I've been a very down person, but It Is seen so commonly nowadays that when you meet someone who Is happy and doesn't have any deep issues , It Is very refreshing , Reminds me of when things were simple, and people didn't care too much or worry, I like people with a positive attitude In general.

What Makes Others Stand Out For Me

Also happy people have a ripple effect, and tend to lift those around them up and make them feel better.

4. Open minded people

People who are willing to try new things, or try and accept or come to terms with your opinions even though they're different. I see so much of this whether It's In real life or online, "You don't like Johnny depp? well screw you" "You don't think this person or style Is attractive? Well I fucking hate you now", This even happens with my own mother, I was talking about how I didn't find the same kind of man she likes attractive, so then I proceeded to show her what I found attractive and instantly she "Ewwwed" and was disrespectful because I had a different preference than her, which Is really stupid, and child like. This again goes for everything, societal views,preference just everything really.

You don't have to like what I like, but don't be rude because I like something different, I have a lot of friends who are way different from me and like different things, or shows I do not like, yet I do not shame them for it, or disrespect their "things"

What Makes Others Stand Out For Me

5. Intellect

I cannot really explain this one, as Intellect In general is a weird thing to explain. But people who are intellectually smart. I get along with people like that the most, can't go too into depth with this as It's just one of my "Things" but I thought It was worth mentioning.

6. People who respect others

I may not seem the type who respects others because I do not agree with the fat movement or all shapes and sizes are different, although I do not shame or disrespect them, I won't avoid being friends with an overweight person, or go out of my way to insult someone who Is overweight. There Is no need to, don't like it? Don't comment on it, just move on most likely there's nothing you can do about this. Why waste so much time being negative when you could put that time Into something more productive? Even listening to your favourite music Is more productive then spending time to leave a hate comment.

This ties into everything I've already said really, Respecting others preferences and differences It's like the open minded one. I mean people who rant about things they know they don't like are not attractive at all, It's okay to have a small rant but everyday or a long frustrated one, just makes me think.. "Why don't you just stop thinking about it and focus on things you like?" And then they get mad about it, when really they're the ones who started thinking about it in the first place!

Yeah..Just respect people even if you don't always accept or like their "thingies"

What Makes Others Stand Out For Me

Andddddd that sums It up, I think I went a bit over the top and typed a whole essay, but thank you for taking the time to read what I like In others, feel free to leave a comment about what you agree with, and what you disagree with!

What Makes Others Stand Out For Me
7 Opinion