10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

This is not a complete list but I think all are good points

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

1. The good things in life are not always free

They take work and some effort. To get that Job, to win the girl or guy, to buying a house or owning a car, they sometimes take sacrifice and hard work. Not everything in life is like this but a number of things are. Sometimes the key is just working to make them happen.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

2. The good things in life are not always taken

Sometimes you can't claim or take everything. Nature for the most part is meant to be enjoyed without being taken. Other people might have a need greater than you and it might be better to let others have things that you could claim. For example, don't be the first person to claim something that is being offered for free see if someone else needs it first and if there is one last product on the shelf between you and a needy mother, it's probably best to give it to the needy mother. Things like that.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

3. The good things in life just happen

In the same sense of things can't always be taken, some things can't always be gotten with just the fact that we want them. Hearing a song on the radio that you have not heard in years, having a partner, having children, getting given something or finding a sale, can and will be unpredictable. It will come as a pleasant surprise most of the time when we are not looking for it.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

4. The good things in life are sometimes in places where we least expect.

We can take many things for granted in a given day. But what if something you needed was right in front of you and you just could not see it. It could be your future partner or a friend that you never knew was right there. Keep your eyes open and look around once in a while, you might be surprised at what you might find.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

5. Sometimes the good things in life are free

I know I said they are not always free and they are not but sometimes they are. A hug is free, a kiss is free, love is free, nature for the most part is free, the sun is free, etc look for and enjoy the little things that life gives you. Don't take them for granted.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

6. The good things in life come with the bad

Sometimes you need the bad in order to see the good and sometimes you need the bad in order to help others. For example, if you had a drug addiction, lost a child, had a breakup, your computer crashed, your car broke down, you had the death of a loved one, all of these are experiences that can be used for the benefit of others. They are have varying degrees of loss but remember the greater the loss, the more impact you can have on a persons life. Losing a computer is not as meaningful as losing a child. and you can be the comfort to that person in need. So, when something bad happens to you, as it happens to most of us, remember that your suffering is not in vain, you can and will help others in the future. In addition, you will be better able to cope with other bad events in the future.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

7. The good things in life are not always connected to what we are doing

Sometimes we need to take a break from something. Fasting can be seen as a good example of this, watching too much TV, spending too much time on Facebook or YouTube, binging on too many video games. I know all this from experience. What's interesting as we pull away from the things that fill our lives sometimes, we can see other things and it helps to enrich our lives. Sometimes it helps to have a time away for reflection and meditation.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

8. The good things in life sometimes rise out of conflict

Yes, good and conflict can go together! Arguing is a healthy thing in a relationship. Arguing is the balance of finding what both people want. Conflict can help to bring a healthy form of compromise. Sometimes white phoenix can rise from black ashes.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

9. The good things in life are not guaranteed

Not every good thing will happen to us and we should not expect or bank on that everything should. Everybody is on a different path and a different journey. I firmly believe that we are given the tools that we need for each unique journey that we take. Life is about pushing the through the challenges we are given and that makes up a better person for it. Overall, what we should do, is to be grateful for when the good thing happens and treasure it when it does. Also, be aware that the good things we get can lead us to a greater purpose.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10. The good things in life involve sacrifice

so, this is a theme, through out this post. Good things "take work and some effort" "Other people might have a need greater than you" "Sometimes you need the bad in order to see the good" "Fasting can be seen as a good" "Conflict can help to bring a healthy form of compromise." All these things take some form of giving something up, sacrifice. It is got to be one of the hardest things to do but one of the greatest things to do. Like Frozen says "let it go"! I am not saying that everything in life needs to be sacrifice but in many situations you will find that sacrifice has rich rewards connected to it. Your character could be shown to others, you could inspire others to do great things, and sometimes it is just about feeling good helping those in need. Sacrifice never feels good at first but can be very rewarding after. Great example of this, buying presents for people, you see the price tag and you get a punch in the stomach but you give it to the person then you see the smile and you forget about how much money it costs because smiles and happiness are priceless.

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life

10 things I have learned about how to have a good life
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