How to Defend yourself Against a WOMAN. Self-defense for HUMANS.


My Take on this subject! Be aware, that i am not an expert, nor a martial artist. So this is simply My Take on it. We are allowed to have opinions, share them and unveil limited/taboo information.

How to Defend yourself Against a WOMAN. Self-defense for HUMANS.

Why am i writing this? Because nobody talks about it. Whether it is taboo topic or because of ideology, or for the privilege of certain group or gender of people, over another, i am not sure.
I kid you not - I tried finding such certain article in the Internet. I searched with Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and Yandex. Nothing. Nobody talks about this. No articles, no mentions, no advices. No videos, hell, not even a picture! Well, there were one picture in Yandex, when i wrote - How to defend against woman.
I reached out to Martial Artists with their own channels in Youtube and asked them about tips, defense and counter-attacks against women. Their responses were:
We don't talk about it.
We don't do that here.
Throw your car keys at her.

Well, i talk about it!
Well, i talk about it!

Are you... FUCKIN kiddin' me? So if a woman is attacking you and trying to rob you, you should voluntary throw your car keys at her?! Why, of course, make it easier for her.

So i decided to write my own Article.

Part One - What to be wary of?

Women can be attackers, there is no dispute to that. Women are more emotional, which means in a fight or while attacking you, their emotionality contributes for their increased/higher cruelty. If a woman is attacking you, she REALLY wants to hurt you! Most women indeed have less sense of honor. And i am sorry, that i am the one who has to admit it. But someone had to.

Nails - make no mistake, most women have long(er) nails and DO know how to use them and hurt you with them.

How to Defend yourself Against a WOMAN. Self-defense for HUMANS.

Scratch you, blind you, could even kill you. Do not allow them to claw you! Its especially dangerous for your neck, breasts and testicles. Clitoris too, if you are unfortunate enough to have a fight in just underwear/bikini or something like that. Having your sex organs pierced or pinched by the nails can lead to death! Painful one, on the top of that!
Sharp/pointed nails can also pierce the skin on your neck and have a vein or artery ruptured! If its the latter, you may die of blood loss.

Heels - Many women wear heels, however a heel could be sharper, compared to other models. There are women who can take their shoes off and use the heel as weapon!

It is indeed something to be wary of!
It is indeed something to be wary of!

Kicks - Do not allow them to kick you! Although a woman's arms are much weaker than a man's, her legs however, are not that much weaker!

How to Defend yourself Against a WOMAN. Self-defense for HUMANS.

And i will say it again: Women's arms, on average, posses only 51% of the strength the men's arms have. To be more precise - we talk about man and woman, where they both have normal weight, and the man is only slightly bigger/taller than the woman. Five centimeters or Two inches taller. On Average!
But if the woman is bigger and taller than the man, whereas he might also be skinny, her arms' strength won't be so far off his.
However, when it comes to legs: Women's legs posses 67% (on average!) of the strength men's legs have.
Their (Our) legs are not to be underestimated! They are strong enough to knock you down, hurt you or damage you.
Do not let them kick your head, solar plexus, groin. Breasts or lower belly (for women).

Part Two - Weak points of the female body.

I colored this myself, just 5 minutes ago.
I colored this myself, just 5 minutes ago.

We women actually have three very sensitive areas, whereas men have just one!

Breasts - Sensitive enough. A punch or kick to them can pause the attacker.

Belly - You will notice i painted three different colors in the belly. Why? The two red spots on the sides are pretty much where the ovaries are. Yellow is for the uterus.
The red marks are exactly where a person, counter-attacking a female attacker, must aim for with a PUNCH. ( I will explain later why i do not advise for kicks there. ) Even if you miss the red mark and hit the orange circles, you will still cause pain, strong enough to pause the attacker. If you don't have the chance or the time to aim, just go for the middle - the uterus. It's enough to make the attacker bend over and perhaps punch her head, and knock her off or stun her. A woman is easier to be knocked off with a blow to the head, than a man, remember that!

Vulva - Highly sensitive. A strike to the vulva, if executed right, can cause a woman to fall on the ground in agony and incapacitate her for long enough, that you can escape! If you do manage to land a kick properly and she is down for the count, no further retaliation is needed. Just leave!

Part Three - How to counter-attack the weak points.

Breasts - not much to be said here. Simple straight punch to them or a kick (if you can kick that high) will affect the attacker and cause her strong pain.

Straight Punch
Straight Punch

Belly - Ovary :

There is in fact, no other similar picture over all of the Internet.
There is in fact, no other similar picture over all of the Internet.

Accurate enough, a solid, well placed punch to an ovary can inflict the attacker a great deal of pain and even make her nauseous, which will stop her in her tracks.
(What i mentioned earlier, about no kicking? Yes, Ovaries and Fallopian tubes are actually very delicate parts of the female anatomy and a solid kick can damage them. Also, if the woman has ovarian cysts, it may forcefully burst and rupture the ovary. So if its not your kick that could damage the ovary, it is it own cyst that might do it. Aside from the inhuman pain and suffering you may cause, and the internal bleeding, in rare cases it could lead to death.)

Groin - Vulva :
I am actually conflicted whether i should depict and demonstrate how to kick woman's vulva. I do not incite or approve genital violence against my own gender, nor against the male gender! So i think i will go with simple advices - Aim for the clitoris -

Straight kick, but with the tip/top of your shoe.
Simple knee attack, will compress the vulva against the pubic bone and affect the bone as well
Kick with your foot or tibia bone, but not with a straight leg, but bend the knee a bit.

Tibia. For those who wondered.
Tibia. For those who wondered.

Which one is most effective? Well, define 'effective'. And for that, we get to the Bonus and final of My Take.

Bonus - Even though a knee to the clitoris will cause the most pain to the woman attacking you, that means you need to get closer. Which you don't really want.
If you are taller than your attacker, use this! It means your attacker have shorter reach. If you see her looking at your groin, it means she is planning to kick you there. If you are indeed taller, whoever you are, man, woman, child, trans, YOU kick HER instead, the moment she is in your legs' range.

Have long legs? Use that!
Have long legs? Use that!

If you are a man and a fight between you and a woman occurred (because you were the one who were attacked), even if you manage to fend her off, look for potential witnesses, which are at your side or at truth's side. Precautions like these are only your benefits.
Also, to men and fast-running women. On average, women tend to run slower than men. IT IS OKAY to just run away, instead of fighting dangerous woman, and believe me, it can get ugly. Spare yourselves that!
In Domestic abuse and violence : If you know the perpetrator - it is a woman you live with - you can use her period against her.

Domestic violence can go both ways.
Domestic violence can go both ways.

We women are especially sensitive during that period, especially in our lower belly. Some more than other. I know girls, who have their first day(s) so painful, they just lie on the bed and suffer for hours. Some have puked. I know a case of a girl which even passed out because of the pain. It was a REALLY bad period! Simply a decent tap or weak punch to her belly, can make an abusive woman think twice, before abusing you again!
If you have already been abused by a woman and you see she is going to do it again, preemptive strike such as punch in her lower belly during period, can cease her attacks.
Warning!!! Hard kick or knee in her reproductive system, while on period can make the woman pass out or you can even kill her! You are the one to think twice here.

And with that we get to disproportionate force used in self-defense against a person. Mind what the laws in your country say about the use of force against an attacker. If you happen to overdo it, you are subjected to legal actions towards you. Aside from that if you, as man, use your knee with unproportionate force, against her groin, you can (aside from damaging the clitoris and the vulva) end up breaking her pubic bone(s) = crippling the woman, disabling her from walking.

Pubis in 3D diagram from the site.
Pubis in 3D diagram from the site.

As final words i would like to say, this article is in no way meant to normalize violence against women. It is in no way meant to be used as means or to teach people how to hurt women. Perversion if this article is unacceptable and i distance myself FROM and do not associate WITH people, who mean to use this article offensively, rather than defensively. I do realize my article is controversial and when taken out of context, it can be seen as manual of how to hurt women. But i do hold my author's right and if i see people mentioning my article out of context, i will be sure to correct them and call them out!

P.S. | For effectiveness of groin kicks against women and reactions from them, please refer to - Did you know? Part 3 (fixed)

- Written By Ava, with clear mind. After Midnight in March, 18th, year of 2022.

How to Defend yourself Against a WOMAN. Self-defense for HUMANS.
42 Opinion