If you were to compliment someone on their teeth would you mean it? Or only be saying it just to be nice?

So I wear braces and have been wearing them for 3 years now.I'll be getting them off by the end of this year. At work from time to time ( like once every couple of weeks), ill have a customer come in and as I'm laughing with them, or if they're making me laugh they would say " you have nice smile" " oh, you have a pretty smile." I always say thank you in a sincere manner, but for some reason I view their compliments with skepticism (probably being a bit self conscious). As if they mean the opposite.

So when you guys/ladies conpliment people on their appearance do you genuinely mean it? Or say it just to be nice when you think the opposite of the compliment you gice?
Yes, I mean it
No, just saying it to be nice
sometimes I mean it sometimes I do it to be nice
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If you were to compliment someone on their teeth would you mean it? Or only be saying it just to be nice?
7 Opinion