Ever had your name butchered so badly it came out as an actual insult?

Ever had your name butchered so badly it came out as an actual insult?
So today at work the Assistant lead approaches me snickering. He gives me a paper to go over and sign. Looking at him suspiciously I take the paper and quickly see corporate wrote Both my 1st name and last wrong. The last name I could understand as it was a simple mistake BUT for the 1st They Wrote DETRITUS. 😑 WTF! Completely BUTCHED! SERIOUSLY!
NOTHING like my name! Are You telling me no one in corporate had enough brains to spotted this mastake. I mean damn it would take the worst parents in the world to name their child GARBAGE! 😑 Its more than obvious it couldn't be right.
Now I been called many things such as Betty Liza Denis Dorian Beth Greece but THIS TAKES THE CAKE!
I snatched the paper and signed it Detritus stating I can now not be held accountable for any of this lol πŸ˜‰. Handing it back I vowed to get my revenge on my assistant lead and my other work buddies for getting such a kick out of this... 😈 Im already plotting my pranks 🀣!
Yup its happened to me.
No but I find it very annoying when they mess up my name.
No my name is easy to pronounce
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Ever had your name butchered so badly it came out as an actual insult?
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