How to deal with PTSD attack's?

So I'd gone out a little while with some friends to try and have a good time. Though the place we went to was closing soon so there weren't many other people there at that time. There were a lot of guys though and most of the workers were men and I've been sold to men before for less than 10 bucks sometimes. All of those were people I knew in some way or another, friends relatives relationships but they didn't care. But the thing is I have some serious trauma from it because I was being sold from one guy to the next or back and fourth for 4 almost 5 years. I just started panicking not because there were a lot of male customers and workers. But only after one of the workers cat called me then pointed his finger at me then said come here. It totally disgusted me and scared me at the same time because I'd finally found a place to call home I didn't wanna be dragged back to that. I started panicking but it got worse when they would all stare at me and I went to the bathroom to cry and hide because I couldn't eat. I felt so disgusting and dirty and scared I just felt sick thinking of food. Back when I was a sex slave in other words, food was a luxury I couldn't have so was sleep clothes and a bed. I just need someone anyone to give me advice on how I can stop the next PTSD attack because my panic attack escalated. Also I knew it wasn't a panic attack anymore because I started seeing things. Like the place I was sold to last I thought I was back there for a second and panicked so much I started feeling sick. If anyone understands in any way, help me please I don't wanna go back there and I hate the memories even more because they won't go away. Also no I don't see a therapist I can't afford it and it's not so much that their not exactly helpful cuz I've gone a few times it's more so that they didn't care any of the times I had gone. I know I have PTSD cuz I was diagnosed with it along with MDD, slight psychotic feature's and recurrent episode's and anxiety.
1 y
I asked this anonymously because I have trust issues, also I hope you don't judge me, but also because I'm scared.
How to deal with PTSD attack's?
1 Opinion