Does teasing an animal count as cruelty too?


On a recent gathering with animal, the subject of animal cruelty was brought up in a conversation. I'm not sure if this would be considered cruelty though.

Flashback to the year 2009 (then 11 year-olds):

Sometimes my friend and I threw some mud, dirt or water at someone's small dog. Other times, he did it to a couple random cats or scaring it with a mask. We never went further than that; our intention was only to tease it. This went on for several months until one owner found out and located our parents. We got grounded immediately.

Looking back, yeah that was mean. Though I'm not sure if that would be considered cruelty. We never went too far either but yeah it feels bad. We still harassed them and probably caused them some stress. Is this cruelty too or not?

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1 y
The following year or so, we did apologized (for the 2nd time) for real. The first apology was a forced one; our parents made us do it and we said it with an annoying, upset tone.
Does teasing an animal count as cruelty too?
4 Opinion