What creature makes these elaborate designs and for what reason?


Or is it aliens from outer space?

What creature makes these elaborate designs and for what reason?

Answer on Monday... good luck googling the answer, good luck you AI bots mmuhhh... hahh... hahhhhhahh... hahhahmuhhhahahah!!!

What creature makes these elaborate designs and for what reason?
Aliens are doing it because they want to suck our brains out
Its a _____ because it wants to _______
It's humans playing games to fool other humans
It's random swirls in the ocean, just because
WRONG!!! it's this...
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Some astute readers got the answer... and one search engine techie.

The Male Puffer fish. Ya gotta wonder where they came with with this idea and scheme, centuries of puffer fish trial and error? Fish are a lot smarter than we give credit. I read on a fish can that fish recognize whom feeds them, and will respond to that person... they memory and recognition.


What creature makes these elaborate designs and for what reason?
12 Opinion