What is wrong with this list here? Why did virtually everybody on the comments section take issue with it? Why am I the only one that found it genius?

What is wrong with this list here? Why did virtually everybody on the comments section take issue with it? Why am I the only one that found it genius?

Aside from “low iron levels” that’s the only thing I found a bit strange. I’d want whoever I’m with to have adequate iron levels because being deficient would definitely be unhealthy.

Unless of course the guy means adequate iron levels, but on the lower end of the spectrum.

I suppose maybe a woman having high iron levels could be undesirable but I’d have to actually research and understand the science behind that.

Either way I really don’t see any other potential issue with this list when taking into consideration the qualities of a “good” woman specifically.

Regardless I’d still obviously have to make sure I match with the chick’s personality and stuff as an introvert but I feel as though this is a good starting point that can be universally used across the board by men desiring a decent quality woman.

I’d take it a step further myself though and the woman would have to be traditional and religious.

Why do some men post lists of standards like this but then get mad when women have standards as well?

What is wrong with this list here? Why did virtually everybody on the comments section take issue with it? Why am I the only one that found it genius?
6 Opinion