Why lie about having a girlfriend?

I was casually seeing this guy for a few months. He never hid the fact that he was talking and possibly dating other girls. after a few months we talked about how we both like each other more then friends but he said he was not ready for a relationship because we still did not know a lot abt each other. A couple of weeks ago we hung out had a good time and then I noticed a couple of days later he had moved me to the last of his friends on myspace. when I asked him why he said because that is where I had him. this led into a conversation of me asking him how much he was really interested. we correpsonded via text. his last response to me was "whatever". I did not hear from him or try to contact him for abt 4 days. then he sends me a text saying I have not heard from you all week and wanted to know why. then he tells me his friend thinks I am cute and wants to know what is up with everyone thinking I am cute. I responded I have no interest in his friend and that I thought him telling me whatever was his way of saying leave me alone. so I did not contact him. I mentioned if everyone thinks I am cute he does not. so another week goes by do not hear from him and I get onto myspace after not being on for a few days. I notice he moves this girl to his #1 and she is leaving him comments like I need you wish you were here and call me. it has now he is in a relationship.

I sent him an email saying when he texted me he should have told me he had a girlfriend now and it was nice getting to know him and maybe I will see him around sometime and wished him all the best. I even told him he did not need to responde to my email. he does anyway and says he does not have a girlfriend and has not in quite sometime and who ever told me that is wrong. so the next couple of days we still don't talk and I notice the girl is leaving even more messages for him and they are not on a friend level. so I did care for him and it hurt he lied to me so I deleted him off myspace friend list. he texts me the next morning asking if I was serious for deleting him and if I was going to tell him why. so I told him because I cared and he did not and it was obvious he had a girlfriend and I could not stand to be lied to or play games. that I was always confused.

He never responded to me . I just don't understand if he was openly dating other people and when he obviously has a girlfriend now then why lie to me abt it? I mean we were not exclusive and even though he knew how I cared and wanted be he still talked to other girls. why lie abt it and why even want to know why he has not heard from me or even care I deleted him from his myspace? sp confusing?!
Why lie about having a girlfriend?
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