Geo Trivia - Which One Doesn't Belong - Number 7?

Geo Trivia - Which One Doesnt Belong - Number 7?

Here is the next quiz in the "Which One Doesn't Belong" series.

This game is simple. From the list of things in the poll below, vote for the one that doesn't belong with all the others, and add a comment/opinion if you want to explain your choice.

Remember... we're looking for the best answer, though there may be more than one explainable answer.

HINT: The correct answer this time has to do with a GEOGRAPHIC FEATURE.

The correct answer will be given in a few days... Sunday.

This one is rated MODERATE difficulty.

Have Fun!

United States
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
4 mo
Let me restate the hint...
HINT: The correct answer this time has to do with a GEOGRAPHIC FEATURE.

That means the correct answer has nothing to do with location, flags, or letters in the name.
3 mo
The correct answer that we are looking for is Germany, the only place in the list that does not have an active volcano.

Congratulations to those that got the correct answer!

The bot beat me to assigning MHOs but I'm glad it recognized Germany as the correct answer.
Geo Trivia - Which One Doesn't Belong - Number 7?
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