3 mo

Honestly are you astonished whenever black people conceive super white babies?


I've heard and seen this happening several times. I'm not talking about just a light skinned child with a bit of tone but really pale/snow white babies with blond or red hair and even blue or green eyes. A couple of those babies were conceived by blacks.

Supposedly dark skin is a very dominant trait because after all there are lots of melanin. So logically, it would make sense for the baby to have some pigment. A super white skin baby with blue or green eyes would be low in melanin.

Is it astonishing and very surprising to you whenever this happens?

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3 mo
Yesterday I just saw a black woman breastfeeding her 8 month-old baby girl. The baby was very white, had strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. The lady was speaking to someone else asking about the baby. It really was her baby.
Honestly are you astonished whenever black people conceive super white babies?
8 Opinion