3 mo

Is it normal to cry over someone's suffering?

It's not my family nor close friends. I'm not related to this person at all.

An 18 year-old girl got doused with gasoline and set on fire by her boyfriend after breaking up. This happened in March 2023, just last year. The girl died 6 days later. Upon seeing the 38 year-old mother's agony, her tears, how she even brieftly fainted on the ground and her confronting the killer in court (and the killer not even looking at her) broke my heart. Even writing about this is making me cry now. She was her oldest child and only daughter. She has 2 boys, whom are traumatized too.

Is this a normal reaction? Getting emotional and crying over someone's suffering?

3 mo
The girl's father (lady's husband) is in excrutiating emotional agony too. The dude's eyes are swollen.

It's not my business but yet I feel as if I were placing myself on that family's shoes, on how that poor girl must have felt at that moment.
Is it normal to cry over someone's suffering?
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