21 d

Do you think 2038 will become another Y2K situation?

Do you think 2038 will become another Y2K situation?
Do you think 2038 will become another Y2K situation?

I'm not making this a poll because I want something more in depth. The way that UNIX computer systems count time is with a 32-bit method. The clock started on January 1, 1970, and won't end until January 19, 2038. Once it reaches that date, it'll reach integer overflow and start over. This will affect many devices from cars to personal computers. Even banks are running into this problem already. While 2038 doesn't have the same level of excitement as 2000, ushering in the new millennium, but the year itself does sound pretty futuristic to me. What do you think?

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Do you think 2038 will become another Y2K situation?
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