To Text or Not To Text: Breaking the Stereotype

To Text or Not To Text: Breaking the Stereotype

Scenario: You meet a guy/girl and you guys hit it off. You talk for awhile, getting to know each other. You both exchange numbers, feeling good and looking forward to continuing the conversation. You get home and you think, "I don't want to seem too into it, so I'll wait for him/her to text me." And so the waiting game begins. A day goes by and no text. You chalk it up to being busy. Another day goes by. And then another. Now you're wondering if maybe you guys didn't click as well as you thought. It never crossed your mind to think that maybe he/she is thinking the exact same thing. They also didn't want to be the first to text. And when you failed to send them a text, they started to wonder if they mistook the chemistry as something else. And guess what? Now both of you are afraid to text the other because now you think that maybe you misread the situation. So you don't text. And he/she doesn't either. And maybe, just maybe, you missed out on something great. All because you were afraid to send a simple text.

That sound about right?

I often wonder why there are so many questions, rules and regulations when it comes to something as simple as texting. This Take is just a little insight into my feelings on this topic. Read on!

Texting First: Why Is It Such A Big Deal

To Text or Not To Text: Breaking the Stereotype

I say this often when it comes to texting first. If I'm interested in talking to you then it's nothing for me to shoot you a text. Just like it says, when I text you that means I'm thinking about you. I don't mind texting first. Especially if I want to talk. My issues with texting first come into play when it's a constant thing. If I'm always texting first and initiating contact, it starts to make me wonder if the other person is even interested. I used to talk to a guy that I thought I really had a connection with. Until I realized that if I didn't text him first, we'd never talk. When I brought it to his attention, he would tell me that he really liked me and liked talking to me. I'd fall for it and the pattern continued until I purposely didn't text him for an entire week. And not once did he text me. Needless to say, I stopped texting altogether. In my opinion, first texts you should be 50/50. I need to feel like you're thinking about me as much as I'm thinking about you. Period.

The Dreaded Double Text

To Text or Not To Text: Breaking the Stereotype

Ok, so I'll admit it. I'm guilty of obsessing over this. BUT, only when it comes to guys that I'm interested in. Like I'll send my friends 62 messages in a row, no problem. If it's someone that I'm interested in, I will fight like hell to resist the urge to double text lol. I know it seems pretty juvenile but when in the beginning stages of a (possible) relationship, I feel like double texting may come off as clingy. I think the only exception would be if we ended the previous conversation and was starting a new one. If I just so happened to be the last person to text in that previous conversation then it wouldn't bother as much to start the next one. I consider that to be texting first.

Now I personally don't really mind if people send me double texts UNLESS, it becomes a habit. Some people are impatient. I understand that things come up and that it may take a minute to respond. That's part of the reason why I don't like to do it. The other part is fear of not getting a response after the second message. Remember the guy I mentioned above? I swallowed my pride and double texted him on two different occasions. Both times I got no response and it made me feel stupid. Now I seldom ever do it. That's not to say that YOU shouldn't do it. Just make sure you're aware that it may not turn out the way you want.

Follow Your Own Rules

To Text or Not To Text: Breaking the Stereotype

Seriously. There are so many do's and don't's nowadays. It's kinda sad if you think about it. For example, there apparently is a time frame if when you should respond to a message. Replying back too fast gives off the impression that you're desperate. So even if your phone is in your hand when the message arrives, you should wait. *slow blink* Where does that makes sense? If I'm near my phone or it just so happens to be in my hand, I'm going to reply right then and there! I don't care what the "rules" say.

Texting shouldn't feel like a chore. You shouldn't feel like you're bothering someone by texting them. Communication is a two-way street. Both parties should be making an effort, otherwise it won't work. Texting should also be fun! So forget all the rules. Send a text if you want to talk to that person. Swallow your pride and send that double text (myself included). And for goodness sake, answer the message when you get it! Break the stereotypes people, I guarantee you'll be glad you did!

And as always, stay classy GaGers! See you guys on the threads! 😎 ✌ ❤

To Text or Not To Text: Breaking the Stereotype
Post Opinion