5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cheat


5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cheat

1.) You will get caught

People get suspicious, it's apparent in your behaviour that something is up, it will eventually get too much to hide, you'll make a careless mistake or they will twig it themselves when piecing information together.

2.) You will end up emotionally damaging not only the original person you were with, but also the person you were cheating on them with if they thought it was just the two of you as well.

How would it feel to have betrayed someone who loved you and to risk losing that person for good? How would if feel to have made the person you say you love feel pained, depressed, betrayed and humiliated? How would it feel to have betrayed the trust of a person who loves you? How would that feel to you? ...

3.) How would you feel if someone you cared about cheated on you?

I'm guessing not good, if so then you shouldn't cheat on your partner: What's good enough for one is good enough for the other: If someone asks you to look after their bag while they're away, you may ask them to look after your bag while you're away; if you're best friend calls you late at night or early in the morning for advice, you may do the same back to them, if your boy/girlfriend hangs out with another guy/girl then you may do the same also. Fair is fair.

If you wouldn't be comfortable with your partner doing it. Don't do it yourself (unless you have discussed it first and they are okay with it).

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cheat

4.) You will live under the reputation of being a cheater.

This can cause problems in your future relationships: If you are honest about it then though they may respect your honesty, some may be put of by the thought of dating a cheater. If you lie about it and they find out you did this to someone before, they will probably be even more put of by the fact you sort of lied to them as well.

5.) If you don't change your ways and instead decide to continue cheating on people, you may never find true happiness

Your love life will be unstable, you will likely have many girls/guys hurt and annoyed by your actions, you will live with knowing you have caused people pain, you're probably not going to have someone you can keep running back to for the same love and support that stable relationships have, you will have the reputation of a cheater which can put of potential love interests, you could lose someone who you may have had an amazing life with and so the list goes on.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cheat

There are some rarer circumstances where I'm not as against cheating (such as if a person no longer wants to be with their partner and tells their partner they want to break up or see other people but the partner won't let them and nor will they attempt to mend any issues in the relationship) although I would still say it's only respectful to actually tell them that you're seeing someone else.

An excuse I hear a lot about cheating is that "If they cheated, there already must have been something missing from the relationship" well I'll tell you what was missing from the relationship if that is the case and it's more of a fault on the cheaters side than their partners: Communication.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cheat

If there was something missing from the relationship the cheater wanted: They should have spoke to their partner about it. I don't get how (if you really love and want to be with them) that you would choose to just see someone else, rather than fix the problem with your partner.

For example: I would like to go on more trips with my boyfriend because we mainly just go to each other's houses and the same routine can get boring. I don't go of with another guy somewhere because of that though, I find that illogical: Why be disrespectful and risk losing a guy I care about a lot, who is caring towards me, protective, from what I can tell honest & loyal, sweet, cute, respectful and has nearly to all the qualities I like in partner just for someone who can take me out more. That would be trading someone with multiple qualities I like for someone with one quality I like that's literally the only thing the other doesn't have although that can be changed. It just doesn't make much sense to me.

Instead, I decide to tell my boyfriend I'd like to go on more trips and even suggest things. I'm not going to lose him over something silly like that but if there's a problem I know I need to tell him in order for him to fix it: Not everyone's a mind reader.

The way I see it: If you don't like the person you're with anymore and/or would rather be dating someone else instead then that's okay. You can't help feeling like that. But please break up with your partner before perusing anyone else. Breaking up can feel bad enough, being cheated on only causes extra emotional damage plus disadvantages for the cheater too (as listed).

Sorry for any grammar mistakes I made and hope you enjoyed reading :)

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Cheat
1 Opinion