The Difference Between Players and Cheaters

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters

Everyone already knows what cheaters are and what they do, but there seems to be a lot of confusion as to what players are and what they do. I want to voice a couple of thoughts according to my perspective and experience.

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters

We all know the words "cheater" and "cheating" but in this world we live in, one negative act is usually portrayed as though there were many instances. A cheat is someone who cheated ONCE, a cheatER is someone who has committed the act twice or more times, be it in one relationship or multiple, or with one partner or multiple partners. Its tiring hearing situations in which a person’s partner made one slip and is then considered a cheater and/or a player. I guess its easier that way but is just insulting to real players out there. The way i see it, cheaters are divided into two groups, the opportunists and the sheep, the most popular one being the sheep.

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters
Opportunists: These are the regular cheaters you hear about, who use the law of averages. Some of them just take whatever they can get whenever they can get it, while some do a bit of chasing to accomplish whatever they are after, regardless of if they are in a relationship or not. There are many, but are not the majority.

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters

Sheep: I've told a lot of women that when a man commits, he really does, but many women make it difficult completely ignoring the fact that the man is already going Against his own nature and instincts just to give them what they want, but many stay unsatisfied and keep wanting more. Sheep cheaters are the ones who WANT to commit and do what they can to make their partners happy but feel like they are getting the short end of the stick, like there is more give, and less or no take. They usually try to voice it in one way or the other to their partners who in turn completely ignore them, their feelings and wants. Feeling rejected, sheep tend to look for solace outside. They are pushed (herded) in the direction to "cheat". They are also the ones usually classified as "weak".

Some people say “why not just leave rather than cheat”…but look at the scenarios…the opportunist doesn’t care, their partner if any, is just another person on the list who is available, and the sheep really doesn’t want to leave, but tends to have ignored wants that they feel aren’t satisfied or negotiated/discussed. None of those two really has the will or determination to “just leave”.

If you want someone who would rather just leave, you are looking for the Player. Amazingly enough, many of the people who use that BS line are the same people who ask questions like:

“Did they not care about me at all?”

“Were they lying from the start?”

“Was all they wanted just….(fill in blank)”

These come up, when the person just ups and leaves rather than argue, compromise, or cheat, so I find that line a little two-faced.


Like cheaters, there are different kinds of players, I will get to that in a bit. Contrary to popular belief, Players, the real ones anyway, don’t need to have more than one partner to be considered a player, a real player just always has a game plan, be it with one partner or multiple. That is something people seem to miss, talking about “He/she was just a player”, no boo boo, what you saw was either a budding cheat, or a wannabe. True players rarely get caught and if they do, they tend to have a contingency plan to either deny it or an exit strategy. Players are the ones who will just up and leave, no questions or explanations.

Like I said, there are different types of players: the Wannabe’s, the Playas and True Players.

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters

The Wannabe player is basically the opportunistic cheater but missing a very essential factor crucial to the reason WHY it is even called “playing”…they usually don’t have a game plan, they just take shots in the dark and hope. They tend to already be in one relationship, usually used as a "fall back" when there are no available opportunities.

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters
The Difference Between Players and Cheaters

The Playas are somewhat like true players, but are usually lacking in some areas so they let something else speak for them in that area, just to be a distraction. In most male cases, it is usually money or some show of wealth. For the female playas, it’s usually some kind of physical attribute or attributes. Some claiming, “independent and don’t need no man”, are chock full of attitude to most males around and are completely uninterested unless they pick the males themselves. This group also fluctuates because they more likely to cheat than have a game plan like the true players.

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters

The True Players are the ones who understand that relationships can be likened to a game. With the right tools, actions and words, one can survive (not win, it’s a game, not a competition). The real players are the ones that can't be persuaded or dissuaded. They make the calls, usually the “right” ones, because they are that confident and knowledgeable (and have an endgame). When with a real player, one can't really tell unless they know what to look for. Most people who have been involved with these kind of people, never know until either the end or when the player is done with whatever angle was being played and decides to come forth. The mark was probably too busy classifying things as “perfect”.

True players like the chase (the game) and challenges, something you won't hear a wannabe say and something a playa would just throw material things at to cover up inadequacies. To a true player, the word Cheat, doesn't exist, its all just part of "the game" and will be handled as such. After all, there is no need to cheat when you hold all the cards, have a strategy planned out, don't care about being "caught" and are willing to "up and leave" at any time.

Not mentioned as part of the players group, of course, are the former true players. Former true players still know the game but mostly play defense, meaning that though they may not approach everyone and everything, they make sure that they themselves are not being played. Many former players tend not lie because they aren’t in the business of just making partners happy anymore, but are more interested in their own comfort and happiness. For males, this seems cause a lot of strife between them and a good percentage of women, especially those ones who still live on "Cloud 9". Former true players tend to break all those game “rules” and double standards and prefer to keep things equal, these are things that couldn’t be done before. They do tend to revert back to the game once in a while as a reference or to achieve a goal, but don't stay in it too long. They move on to the next challenge which is actual commitment.

Players can be cheaters, but not all cheats or cheaters can be players. So again, it’s quite insulting to true players when someone calls a cheater a player, when all they did was cheat and take advantage of an opportunity, and not create it himself or herself.

Many people, mostly women, tend to act like they are both one and the same, while they aren’t. Its that kind of surface thinking that makes them miss little definers and make some choices that could lead to regret later, example, falling for a true player or judging according to looks alone.

A Wannabe has no game plan, a Playa, if with a game plan, it’s usually tends to be short term, and a True Player has game plans for all scenarios, short term to long term, along with contingencies and exit strategies. The former True Player has the same attributes as the True Player but makes the decision not to use them or keep them for reference purposes only.

I know i didn't as in-depth as it really could go, especially on the player side, that's because every player has their own way, their own rules and their own limitations. I just wanted to point out that those two classifications are different from each other if one looks closely enough. Just because a person cheats, doesn't make them a player. What are your thoughts?

The Difference Between Players and Cheaters
The Difference Between Players and Cheaters
22 Opinion