Don't Expect It From The Other Side: Just Do It Now!


Reading many questions on GAG, I realized that the majority of the people are afraid of telling about their feelings even when they know that the other side also has some feelings for them.

If you are not sure about other side's feelings, you may be afraid of telling it for fear of being rejected. But what are you waiting for if you are sure about his/her feelings?

But what if he's waiting for you to start talking to him? And you're waiting for him to start talking to you?

Don't Expect It From The Other Side: Just Do It Now!

Don't hesitate to tell your feelings. You won't lose anything for telling it. But if you don't, you may lose someone you love. Somebody may still them from you. Aha, sorry not from you. Because you still didn't tell your feelings.

Go for the things before it is too late. Have courage, if they say yes, you will start a relationship and if they say no, you won't have to think about if they like you or not.

Don't Expect It From The Other Side: Just Do It Now!

People ask here if someone likes them or not. Everybody shows their feelings in different ways. So the answers you get here may not work. Maybe you think that that person don't love you because you got more "No, doesn't like you" answer on your poll. And you give up telling how you feel. Maybe you miss a great thing. You can't know that. You can't know the answer without asking. The best way is to ask. If you also have feelings just ask! Don't delay it.

Don't Expect It From The Other Side: Just Do It Now!
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