People Say "I Love You" Without Actually Meaning It


If "I love you" is said easily then it is not real love. It is just a temporary feeling. Saying "I love you" has responsibility in it. It means "I won't leave you whatever happens". If you will leave just because of an unimportant thing then don't say it. Don't fake it.

People Say

Action speaks louder than words. If you can't show your love, if you can't make the person believe it with your actions, if you just say it, then again it is not real love.

If you say it, you must mean it. Love is a hard action. And especially in these hard times. Because everything is fake anymore. It is really hard to find someone who will really love you. So if you find one, don't miss it. If you love someone, call them, text them, say them. It may be too late later. It may become almost meaningless.

People Say "I Love You" Without Actually Meaning It

Don't ever say "I love you" if you are not sure about your feelings. You may say it easily but the person may take is serious. The thing that you easily say, may make someone hopeful.

But if you are sure about your feelings. Don't ever delay it. Do anything for your love.

The best thing is to be from those who don't say it easily. Say it to only one person, say it timidly. But say it to that one person and make that person feel special.

People Say "I Love You" Without Actually Meaning It
4 Opinion