Ghosting is Absolutely Okay

Ghosting is absolutely okay

This goes for friendships and romantic relationships.

The relationship or friendship does not have to be toxic or abusive in order to ghost someone.

Life is too short to be wasting your time on someone.

Ghosting is Absolutely Okay

If you communicated with your friend or SO and they cause drama every time you bring the issue up why even keep trying. It takes two to make things work. Other than that it's just one sided.

I have seen questions on here where the person dumped their SO but their SO refused. If the person tries to communicate I see nothing wrong with ghosting them if they just don't get it.

Ghosting is Absolutely Okay

I don't care if it's a long term relationship or hell I don't care if you're engaged. What is the point of having the label if you are getting treated like trash?

So unfriend, delete that number, block their social media whatever you have to do I'm all for it.

Ghosting is Absolutely Okay
Post Opinion