Why Men Pull Away: Possible Reasons & What You Can Do


Girls, sometimes the "It's not you but me..." is the truth.

I’m sorry if you’re a guy and happen to read this, but it’s true. Of course, there are other possible cases like family issues etc. But in the majority of cases, one of these things apply.

Why Men Pull Away: Possible Reasons & What You Can Do

1. You’re a risk. You’re a risk for him. If he chooses to be with you, who knows what will happen. I know, not much will happen, but for men, it’s a big deal. Maybe he sees how amazing you are and realizes if he chooses you, he’s done. You’ll be it for him.

Though for women, we can handle that, men can’t. They have this fear of missing out and this causes them to not go for the girl that’s perfect for them.

2. He’s feeling pressured. Men can’t handle pressure. I don’t care what they say, any ounce of pressure and they freak out. (It's all about relationships, not other fields of life.) It’s true. If you pester him to propose to you or to meet your parents, stop. This is only going to push him further away.

What you need to do is bring it up once and then don’t bring it up again. Men need extra time to think things through. So, stop pressuring him and let him process it on his own.

3. He’s stressed. Men easily become preoccupied with school or work. I know, women, handle a bunch of different issues on one plate, but not guys. When something bothers them, it takes over their minds. If you think it could be this, back off a bit and relieve some pressure from him, let him fix his issues.

4. There’s no chase. Men love being chased and chasing women. It’s all a game. Now, if you two are together, the chase is done—he won. But now, he’s bored. Plus, he also knows that no matter what, you’ll be there when he needs you. So, he’s pulling away to put you on the side burner until he needs you. So, you’re going to have to make sure he doesn’t get you.

5 He’s not sure if you’re the one. He’s not sure. He likes you, he thinks you’re amazing, but he’s just not sure if you’re the one for him. I know, it’s stupid.

We’ve all been here with someone and for most of us, we don’t understand why someone would put another person through this. But, it happens. He’s pulling away because he thinks if you’re the one and if this is his reaction, he’s not the one for you.

6. You were not a priority. You weren’t someone he saw being with on a serious level. Sure, he likes hanging out with you and having sex with you, but this wasn’t supposed to become something intense. If he never treated you like a priority or he’s now treating you as an option, you need to cut him as soon as possible.

7. He wants to break up with you. I experienced this, although I was the one who wanted to break up. I was living with my boyfriend and for two weeks, I didn't feel desire to be physical with him. Less kissing, not much cuddling etc.

Then, two weeks later, I told him I want to break up with him. It could happen because of a combination of reasons.

8. He’s seeing someone else. This is usually another great reason why he’s pulling away. Okay, they’ll be other signs. For example, he’ll become secretive, he’ll stop touching you, and having sex with you. Now, if he’s also acting distant on top of these signs, then there’s a good chance that you’re not the only one. Before you get played like a fool, ask him.

9. He doesn’t feel wanted but rather needed. Men want to feel desired and wanted, right? Same as women, we want a guy to desire us. Now, when someone stops feeling desired and starts feeling needed, it’s different.

Feeling needed adds responsibility to a situation that they may not be ready for. Feeling needed also makes the situation permanent and can freak anyone out. It’s like he feels once he’s in it, he can’t get out.

10. You two are on different pages. Maybe he doesn’t see you as someone to have a serious relationship with. Meanwhile, you prepare to introduce him to your family. See what I mean? You two aren’t on the same page and if he sees this ahead of time, this could be why he’s pushing on the brakes. He’s not ready to commit. If this is the case, he’s going to calm down the situation by backing off.

11. He’s no longer attracted to you. If he’s pulling away from you, no longer sleeping with you, or showing you affection, it could be that he’s no longer attracted to you. No, this doesn’t mean you’re ugly, this just means he’s not attracted to you.

So many women think this means that they’re not attractive, but they’re wrong. His emotions changed and he no longer sees you as a partner.

12. Something bothers him. It could be that it isn’t even related to you. Maybe he had a fight with his mom or his boss is giving him a hard time. Point is, men are shitty at communicating. So, this could be nothing to do with you. However, he’s too busy internalizing his emotions, and he’s hiding within himself. Thus, here you are, freaking out that he’s not into you. So, talk to him.

Why Men Pull Away: Possible Reasons & What You Can Do


Men pull away for lots and lots of different reasons.
* The best way to stop him from withdrawing and bring him back to you is to stop trying to pull him back
* Try to remember that him pulling away is a totally natural thing that all men go through at one time or another
* You can create a desire for him to get close to you again by not chasing after him
* Win his respect and love by communicating your feelings effectively and without judgment


Please consider that people are different, the things written above might not fit to all the cases, but it can give a hint to someone who is clueless about the reason behind the - sudden - change in their relationship.

Why Men Pull Away: Possible Reasons & What You Can Do
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