Monogamy And Why It's Currently Dying


Monogamy And Why It's Currently Dying

Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming to be a relationship expert or guru or any of that. These are just my thoughts and opinions on the topic of discussion. So keep that in mind before you decide to go running off to the comment section with your pitchforks and torches to burn the joint down.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, greetings! I’d like to talk to you guys today about something that’s been on my mind for a while now. An elephant in the room if you will. Something that seems to be dying out at an alarming rate. Monogamy. By definition, monogamy basically refers to being married to, in a relationship with, or having sex with ONE person. Seems easy, right? You would think so since you’re literally choosing to be with one person and then simply sticking with them. So then ask yourself this: why are divorce rates so high? Why do people cheat? When did casual sex become so…casual? Is monogamy dead? Pull up a chair and let’s chat!

Monogamy And Why It's Currently Dying

To answer the question asked above, sure, monogamy is still relevant. People get married every day. The better question would be is it still valued? And to that I would have to answer no. I don’t think commitment is as important to people as it used to be. I mean, we’re currently living in a society where hookup culture is becoming the norm. People would rather have one night stands, casual sex, and be friends with benefits as opposed to being in a committed a relationship. Why, you ask? Simple, because it’s easier. Less responsibility has to be taken for actions this way and we all know how people love to take responsibility for their actions. We’re also in an era where it seems like people are going out of their way to NOT care. I genuinely feel bad for this new generation because they “give no fucks about anything”. It’s cool for them not to show emotions and not to care about anything. It’s all just a recipe for disaster.

Then we’re also dealing with the rise of FOMO, or the fear of missing out. FOMO and monogamy are on two different ends of the spectrum. So many people will get into a relationship with a decent person just to cheat on them, or decide that they want to explore other options because of this feeling that they’re missing out on something. FOMO will also stop a person from getting into a relationship to begin with. It goes back to whole the commitment thing. People hesitate to commit because committing means that their options are taken away. Their freedom is taken away. Even if they know deep down that the person in front of them is the person for them, that nagging feeling (FOMO) will cause them to walk away. Later on, after realizing that they really weren’t missing out on anything, that’s when regret sets it.

Monogamy And Why It's Currently Dying

Monogamy. Exclusivity. Commitment. All things that I feel are dying out. No one takes relationships seriously anymore. People would rather be in a situationship or a friends with a benefits type thing (which is basically the commitment without the responsibility). And this isn’t me condemning anyone for their personal choices. At the end of the day, you do what works for you. But at the same time, the fact of the matter is that times have changed. People are opting to go less traditional routes when it comes to dating. Like it or not, monogamy is becoming a thing of the past.

That brings us to the end of this discussion. If you've made it this far, thank you for reading! Until next time, stay classy GaGers. See you on threads.

#CHARismaticOut ✌🏾😎❤

Monogamy And Why It's Currently Dying
39 Opinion