Soooo... do you trust your partner?


I was watching a news program about women planting trackers on or in their partner's effects and/or on their person. I thought, "WHOO the hell would do this????" I read some articles about people buying tech specifically for surveillance purposes.

Soooo... do you trust your partner?

How does one get to the point where this would be a good idea? Trust is a fragile thing and I believe once lost, is difficult to regain. YET, I would never resort to this insanity. If someone isn't faithful I think it will come out eventually. If you are perceived as unfaithful, you could be be going down a slippery slope with an acute angle.

Soooo... do you trust your partner?
I think if you harbor doubts, address them. What's the worst thing to happen? The loss of a relationship? You're living a lie if you think buying these items would bring your life back to normalcy. I must also address the fact I'm a normal girl with what I'd like to call 'trust' if in a relationship. If trust isn't there, I'm out. Period.

Soooo... do you trust your partner?

Trust in a relationship is vital. I don't delude myself and find myself at the crossroads with a guy I'm dating. So my question to the reader is, would you invest your time and money into one or some of these items to check your significant other's activity? Do you think you'd feel 'better' if you know the whereabouts of your partner? Are they not entitled to privacy? How would you explain it? Thanks for reading!

Soooo... do you trust your partner?
1 Opinion