5 Ways to Help Support a Healthy Relationship

1. Genuinely apologize when you are wrong

5 Ways to Help Support a Healthy Relationship

I think anyone in a relationship long enough has had the never ending fight because one of you knows you are actually factually correct in your reasons for being upset, and your partner who probably knows that just wants to argue to "win" the fight rather than do they actually think they are right. One of the worst things you can do is just make it your goal to "win" these battles because you are too stubborn to suck up what pride or ego you have and say sorry. Your partner can sniff out a BS apology in the same way they can sniff out a real one, but the real ones are the ones that matter and let them know that you do have the ability to know when you're in the wrong. If you're the type that never backs down...when you are definitely wrong...this can be a relationship ender because it gets to a point where your partner gets tired of trying to prove he or she is right and you are wrong and shows an inability on your part to acknowledge them or the truth.

2. Make REAL time for your partner

5 Ways to Help Support a Healthy Relationship

We all live in this world that has us all believing that there is absolutely no time for anything. From the moment we get up until our head hits the pillow and even then, it has to be go here, and do that. We have our heads into social media, on our phones, on our computers to the point where our most lasting relationships are with technology, but if you cannot divorce yourself from it to make time for real life and your partner, you may be dooming your relationships. Everyone wants to feel like they are the most important thing in the world to someone else. If you go out on a date, go, and be with your partner. Put the phone away, disconnect, and instead re-connect with them---talk, make out, make love, just really take the time to be 100% present and in the moment.

3. Support your partner in all ways

5 Ways to Help Support a Healthy Relationship

When we think of support, we think of showing up to like an awards show where your partner is up for the main prize, but support comes in many ways. Support your partners dreams and ambitions, support your partners choices to look like they do, support them when someone treats them like dirt, support them when they are sick or feeling emotionally weak, support them with your children if you have them, and so on. Supporting them doesn't have to mean you just blindly agree with everything they do, but if they get to the point where they feel like nothing they do is good enough for you, or you don't ever seem to have their back, or you don't show up for the important things for them in life, it can spell doom for your relationships.

4. Don't neglect the bedroom

5 Ways to Help Support a Healthy Relationship

What you do between the sheets is an integral part of a relationship. When you treat it as if it's not important or keep putting it off because "you're too tired," someone may get tired of you. Your partner wants to feel a connection with you, and part of that is what you do in the bedroom on a very physical level. Communication in this department is also keep. Don't just expect your partner to know what is or isn't working for you anymore. Tell her or him what you want and don't always expect them to just know. Realize that they want to make you happy if you'll let them.

5. Don't take them for granted

5 Ways to Help Support a Healthy Relationship

It is so easy to take for granted what your partner actually does for you. If you've ever had "that fight" where someone screams, "but you don't ever do anything for me," it's important to ask yourself if that's really true. Don't get complacent in saying thank you when your partner does something for you whether that be putting gas in your car, cooking dinner, taking the kids off your hands for the weekend, bringing you a cup of coffee when you didn't even have to ask, etc. A partner wants to do nice things for you and take care of you, but if you seem to continuously be ungrateful, never show appreciation, or treat them as though you expect them to do everything for you, it can sour the relationship.

5 Ways to Help Support a Healthy Relationship
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