Low Key Ways a Person Will Show You How Shady and Sketchy They Are


Everyday we meet new people. Whether it be when we are at work on the street, grabbing coffee. We are always in a constant state of human interaction. Through our interactions with people we can generally assess what type of character these people have through their actions. Sometimes its not so obvious, but here are some low key ways people reveal their true character.

If someone always has something negative to say about someone

Usually means that they aren’t happy with themselves. They are just an angry person,

Low Key Ways a Person Will Show You How Shady and Sketchy They Are

Always correct you, but never agree with you

They feel threatened by you so this is one way that they can show that they are better or smarter than you.

Make you feel weird

This is your instinct talking. Listen to it

Low Key Ways a Person Will Show You How Shady and Sketchy They Are

“This” always happens to them.

No matter what you talk about, it ALWAYS happens to the, Your cat got run over by a car – that happened to me! I got my front teeth knocked out in a fight – “that” happened to me! Last week I had an orgy at my house – “that “ happened to me too! Just shut up already you sound ridiculous

They always have a new group of friends, but can’t keep a job

Doesn’t that sound fishy to you? What is it about that person that has them constantly re imagining themselves? You need to ask that question to yourself

Low Key Ways a Person Will Show You How Shady and Sketchy They Are

They don’t show up for you.

Why are investing your time in someone that never shows up for you. Whatever it is if they aren’t supporting you in your drams and ambitions, and your future; why make them a part of your future?

Making fun of someone that’s in a hurtful or degrading way.

Frankly it shows that they are insecure about themselves. Usually when a person says something about someone bad, its because they don’t like that characteristic in themselves so they choose to point it out to make themselves feel better.

Low Key Ways a Person Will Show You How Shady and Sketchy They Are

They say they miss you and they want to see you, but they never make any concrete plans.

You do not need flaky people like that in your life, who are only around when it is convenient for them

How they treat strangers

You have never met this person before yet you treat them like they are the scum of the earth. Not very nice.

Keep saying I don’t care, I don’t care

It is clear that they do, they are just ashamed

The way they treat you when things are going their way

Versus they way they treat you when they aren’t.

Irrationally angry or judgmental towards others

Shows that they very insecure about themselves and they don’t hold themselves up too high.

They leave you when they are mad but stay when they are calm

You don’t need that in your life

They are a good person only when its convenient for them

Abort abort abort

At the end of the day it is all about common respect for people. Whether we are pink white red blue green we are all human, and we should treat all as we would like to be treated

Low Key Ways a Person Will Show You How Shady and Sketchy They Are
16 Opinion