Why You Should Have a Love-Hate Relationship With Jealousy!


Why You Should Have a Love-Hate Relationship With Jealousy!

I've been dating my boyfriend for two years and six months. I currently took a year off from school to work and pay off some of my loans. My boyfriend is in his second year going into his third year of college. He comes to visit me on Saturday and Sunday because his school isn't very far. When we hang out we usually just stay at his house and watch some tv or a movie or eat junk together, but then he goes back to school for the week and we go back to texting good morning, how was your day, and goodnight. here's why I'm jealous while I'm home doing nothing and have no friend other than my books (which I consider my hobby) my boyfriend goes out and parties and drinks and all that but when he hangs out with me we do what I can do on my free time.... watch tv and eat. For a full year, I went out probably two times one was a wedding and the other a baby shower. For a full year, I didn't have people to hang out with or make plans with other than my boyfriend. I'm jealous because he has more fun and doesn't try to have as much fun with me.

Have I considered that I might be overreacting..... yes. I would assume that most of you would say I need to find people to hang out with and get a life. But I work from 9am-7pm (with people ranging from age 40-65) by the time I get home I have things to do like laundry, making food for the next day, and going to the gym. Sooooo unless you can find me some friends that are willing to hang out from 4 am-8 am I won't be having any friends anytime soon.

Now here's the part about jealousy... sorry it took so long. Jealousy can make you realize the things you need to get done in life and the goals you want and should achieve. Let's say you're jealous of your friend's car......find a way to make more money whether that be going back to school or filling out those papers for that promotion at work. I'm not even going to list more things because most of the things people are jealous of require money so my main example could be used with other ideas. On the other hand, you should hate jealousy because it can make you do crazzzzzyyyyy things and you're better off thinking that you have everything you need ( i know that goes against what I said in the beginning but I have the right idea). here's what I'm trying to get at with the love and hate thing. It's crazy that I'm jealous that my boyfriend is simply having fun but being jealous has made me realize that he isn't the one for me. If he would have paid more attention to me he would see that I'm not happy with my situation and he would try to change by taking me out more or at least doing something different (and I know guys can't see that so I told him how I felt and he still didn't change). I might be completely wrong about this but I realized jealousy might be essential for life.

So thanks jealousy now I know I deserve better.

Why You Should Have a Love-Hate Relationship With Jealousy!
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