Things You Should Never Forgive in Relationships


Well hello everyone,

It's me again.

Today's MyTake is about relationships,and to be more specific is about things you shouldn't forgive in a relationship.

Of course forgiving for everyone is different,cause not all of us consider the same things equally important or bad as others.

Here I wrote some of the most classic/basic incidents that may happen,that most of the times don't take forgiveness because they are considered,by most of us,wrong.

(And just to be clear,I don't say that there aren't any exceptions to these)








Things You Should Never Forgive in Relationships

1.Your Partner Getting Physical.

The fact there is a girl in the pic doesn't mean that men can't be abused.
The fact there is a girl in the pic doesn't mean that men can't be abused.

If your partner,guy or girl,lays his/her hands on you is a signal that you should leave right away.

There isn't time for softness or forgivness,you need to break the relationship.

He/she has issues that you will never be able to help him/her with,you need to put right priorities and save yourself before it's too late.

If he/she get physical you have to understand that your physical integrity and health is in danger. Don't try to question or find a reason behind his/her actions, just leave him/her behind,forget and move on.

2.Not Being His/Her Priority.

Things You Should Never Forgive in Relationships

When you love someone,you are ready to forgive everything that he/she does because you don't want to loose what you think you have.

But someonetimes,letting go hurts less than holding on.

I'm not saying that you have to be the first thing in his/her mind non-stop,because after all they are humans as well and have hard times.

But that doesn't mean everyone else should be above you either.

He/she needs to show you how important you are and cherish you.If he/she does not do that,do yourself a favor and leave.


Things You Should Never Forgive in Relationships

We all have lied at some point,I don't say it's right but most of the times it's forgivable.

But if your partner is constantly lying about everything,even the smallest things, he/she clearly has some serious issues with telling the truth.

The chances are,that he either has something to hide or he is pathological liar.Either way,both are not the exactly what you would call 'ideal' personality traits .

As time passes you won't trust him/her at all, you won't be able to distinguish his/her lies from the truth.

And since relationships are based on trust,you shouldn't waste your time.

4.Disrepecting you or/and Blaming you for Everything.

Things You Should Never Forgive in Relationships

People who curses at you or purposely offends you or blames you for everything that goes wrong in his/her life,is someone that has no business being in your life.

You shouldn't put up with disrespect from anyone,escpecially your partner.

Many times we tend to overlook these issues as they don't seem as big or as important as others,but that's a huge mistake.

A partner that makes you feel terrible most of the time isn't someone that deserves your love and affection,so say your goodbyes and move on to someone that actually appriciates you.


Things You Should Never Forgive in Relationships

Okay,maybe 'cheating' is too mainstream these days but there is a reason for that,let's admit it...

It hurts.

And it hurts a lot.

It feels like the ultimate betrayal,and almost always after it the relationship changes.In a bad way.

The reason why you should never forgive cheating is because you will never be the same with him/her again.You will always be worried more,you will never trust him/her enough,your mind will always jump to this incident and etc.

So it's better to move on to someone that gives you the feeling you can trust him/her.



Things You Should Never Forgive in Relationships
17 Opinion