Is Chivalry Dead Among Relationships Today?

Is Chivalry Dead Among Relationships Today?

I've noticed that today a lot more men don't want to treat their partner in a relationship "right" just because we live in a modern society where everyone can work and basically do everything themselves - simply said chivalry is not that much required for when dating. And by "right" I mean being thoughtful of what makes her happy and trying to apply that in his behavior towards her, being caring and wanting to help out and take care of his partner and supporting her by providing, professing and protecting.

The bigger issue for me is that a lot more women claim they don't need chivalry in their relationship, but how would your partner show you he cares for you and loves you if he doesn't actually show you with his actions. When women cut away the idea of "chivalry" just because they don't need it, that doesn't mean that men should absolutely abandon being a gentleman. I also used to think I don't need a man to be acting all "chivalrish" and stuff, but when I saw how rude most men have become due to the fact that society doesn't require chivalry anymore when dating, and I was shocked and I couldn't help myself feeling unappreciated and mistreated all the time while being with such guys.

I'm saying this also because when you start dating someone, you don't really know the person and what she likes and doesn't like (to be able to determine how she wants to be treated), what she accepts as behavior and what she would not tolerate. And obviously "chivalry" is quite universal and would only help you if you really care about the person and show them you would want to impress her anyway you can.

I want to point out that I'm not talking about men opening doors and jars for you 24/7, or buying you flowers every day - every person has his own take on chivalry and every woman wants to be treated "right" in a unique way. My question is more to "Why men don't try to understand how his partner wants to be treated and then treat her the way she will feel happy, appreciated and loved?".

I don't think the argument "chivalry is not needed" is valid if you love someone because chivalry is something really positive that could only benefit your relationship, make it stronger, longer and happier. So why not bring chivalry into your relationship behavior?

I have been with "boys" that hadn't figured out how to properly be gentleman and treat me right or and with guys that refused to at all (those relationships were not healthy and happy ones for me). To be honest I don't see the point of being into a serious relationship if the person is only bringing me sexual pleasure without making an effort to be a gentleman, a provider, a protector and someone I can feel safe with and to bring out my full potential as a woman/wife/mother, because a serious relationship is not based only on sex.

I'm really surprised and by the fact that a lot of men think that if they are "gentlemen" and they give from themselves (time, support, money and etc) they need to ALWAYS get something in return - as it is some kind of deal. I mean obviously a relationship is balance between two people but I don't think it's okay to say your partner owns you and DEFINITIVELY has to give you back the same things that you've given her - I'm not saying that a woman should be using you (as some women abuse "chivalry") and would not give anything back in return. A woman also gives a lot to the man in a relationship.

I'd really like to see your opinions on this topic which is really important to me and please let we all communicate with respect to one another here. I'd love it if I could see a little bit more detailed answers that could help me out to understand better your way of thinking.

Thank you for reading this <3

Is Chivalry Dead Among Relationships Today?
52 Opinion