Are "Real" Relationships Dying A Slow Death Or Can True Love Still Survive And Conquer All The Misconceptions In Today's Culture?

Relationships In Peril
"Relationships In Peril"

This is "my take" on why I believe relationships aren't working or lasting in today's world.

Give love to get love
"Give love to get love"
Real love is never easy
"Real love is never easy"

People Have Forgotten or Just Don't Know What Relationships Are Supposed To Be About

If you truly love someone, you always want what's best for them. You always consider their feelings. You don't point out their flaws, you accept and love them in spite of them. You never expect more from someone than you are willing to give. You should always love, care, and nurture your relationship as well as your partner.

"You must love from within in order to be loved"...

Best friend for life
" Best friend for life"
Best friend for life
" Best friend for life"

Take More Time To Be Friends As Well As Lovers

In my personal experiences, my best and longest lasting relationships were always the ones that started as friendships and grew from that.

If we jump into a relationship without really knowing someone, just based on physical attraction that's just lust and not "love". And when the lust tapers down? If that's all there was?

Take the time to find that one person that you can always confide in knowing they'll not judge you but support you. That can always make you laugh. That will not kick you when you're down or even pick you up when you fall, but rather hold you steady so you don't "fall" .

"To love and honor for better or worse, in sickness and health, forsaking all others till death do us part ".

Soft spoken truth is heard more than shouted angry words
"Soft spoken truth is heard more than shouted angry words"
Never stop listening to what your partner has to say
"Never stop listening to what your partner has to say"

People need To Remember Communication Is Crucial

I know sometimes we fear being honest because of fear of being misunderstood, or hurting our partner's feelings. But words shouted in anger are way more hurtful as well as actions done out of anger or hurt feelings. And if you want to be heard, you also need to listen as well.

Screaming at each other is not communication, it's over talking the other, and then how can you get what's really being said.

Communication is key and crucial in every aspect of keeping a relationship healthy and strong.

"We can't find the solution unless we know what the problem is"

Are Real Relationships Dying A Slow Death Or Can True Love Still Survive And Conquer All The Misconceptions In Todays Culture?

"Burry the hatchet"

And last, but not least:

Forgiveness Is Important

Don't bury yourself in hurt feelings, anger or you chance killing and burying your relationship. When you spend a lifetime with someone, there is going to be times of anger, hurt feelings. But we have to forgive the little things/ issues that arise so that together can overcome the bigger issues in life.

"Thank you for reading and I hope everyone who is reading this has either already found their "true love "

or finds the true love everyone deserves to have"!❤


Are "Real" Relationships Dying A Slow Death Or Can True Love Still Survive And Conquer All The Misconceptions In Today's Culture?
55 Opinion