Forgive and forget? Easier said than done? Is it even possible?

Hi its me again
Hi it's me again

Long time no see my dear G@Gers, I hope some of you recognize me and I hope you can still enjoy my self-reflecting MyTakes. I also hope I find all of you well and in great shape !!! As always, each and every comment of yours counts, lets see if we can find a solution to this hectic mind terror. And i'm sure we've all been there....

As you can see from the title, you might think i have been through something, and that's why Natured is giving herself a comeback after all this time through this MyTake...Or maybe natured disappeared for so long because she has been through something...

Let's say you're not wrong, let's also say I have been through sh** but I'm happier and stronger than ever, let's say this MyTake will be my breakthrough and will help me and maybe even you to decide on how to cope with this and put it to an end.

This issue is deep, not only for me but also for you if you have been through the same or something similar, a situation that always keeps popping back in your mind... and you feel anxious about it, you SIMPLY HATE IT AND YOU WANT IT GONE!!

I'm sure this very particular situation actually just popped in your head as you continue to read, i'd love to try and figure out if we can find a logical solution to this mind terror together and sleep in peace with ourselves...

Well let's do this shall we?


Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations that we never asked for, while simply minding our own bussines. Then drama comes out of nowhere, and attacks you like a starving hyena.

It takes one person, a missunderstanding, with a slight touch of evilness but NO REASON AT ALL !!!

The weirdest part of it is that you've actually been there for this person that caused you this drama, in good and bad times, you shared a lot of things with that person, you helped that person, you even almost risked your own relationship with your partner because of that specific person, and so on.. Maybe not all of the above in your case...

YET you care a lot about this specific person, because let's say you have no other way....and you're actually a good hearted individual, and you always think positive because why not?

YET, you're getting backstabbed, this person lies about you, talks bad about you behind your back, tries to always be RIGHT just because they DO NOT WANT TO AGREE WITH YOU even though you state facts but they just don't want you to be right.... (Narcissistic much? I guess so) they belittle you in front of people, they are also JEALOUS of your relationship, your job, your social life skills everything...

And no, there is no valid reason behind this at all.....


Then there comes a moment where you get so deeply hurt by this specific earthling, that you just want to risk it all, you want to ruin everything and get rid of that person and everything that surrounds it just to be alone and find your peace...

YET .... You let go, you forgive and you are almost certain you even forgot, but SOMETIMES this specific drama comes up to you as a haunting memory, even while you get along with that person right now ... but who are we kidding, we are forcing ourselves to get along, sometimes we even convince ourselves that this is going just fine.

"A broken glass cannot be fixed"

Yet, sometimes you lay in bed, and your thoughts wander around and end up in places that you never wanted to ( Just like those random YouTube Videos, you start with a cooking recipee and end up to Dr. Phil ) you literally immagine all the things that you could have done at that moment, and make up different scenarious in your head, but as you do a lump forms in your throat and you find yourself still kind of "suffering" from that specific event that took place.

Forgive and forget? Easier said than done? Is it even possible?

So instead of moving on you play stupid mind tricks on yourself, while that person moved on, and pretends that nothing ever happened, even though the person said sorry...

Don't get me wrong, I know i'd be better off without that human being, but fact of the matter is in my case, I CAN'T, because it's somebody very close to me and especially my partner, so if i END THINGS with that specific person, that means i might have to END THINGS WITH MY PARTNER AS WELL for his own good.

Maybe you get the point, but fact of the matter is, I WANT TO MOVE ON, I want to forgive and actually FORGET.

I found myself focusing more when the memories come, I BASICALLY SET A MIND ALARM IN MY BRAIN, as in : " As soon as this memory comes up, FOCUS ON SOMETHING ELSE AND GET YOURSELF SOME POSITIVE VIBES ASAP RIGHT FREAKING NOW" And turst me it helps....

So have you ever been in situations like these?

Did you actually forgive and forget?

Did you just forgive?

Did you just Forget?

Should we try and come to a conclusion and try to set MIND ALARMS and see if it works or are there any other methods?

Is there actually a way to find your own peace with drama, especially because you never asked for it ?

I mean, can you relate?

P.s. I know there are bigger problems in the world, and I know people have been through worse, i'm stating it here so you won't come at me with the typical "out of topic" quotes.

If we find a solution together I might write a part 2, and maybe be more specific to what happened.....

Stay safe


Forgive and forget? Easier said than done? Is it even possible?
35 Opinion