At Home

For the Ladies: These things make our relationship stronger, and it really is that simple!

For the Ladies: These things make our relationship stronger, and it really is that simple!

What can I do for him today to make his life easier?

What can I do today to make him smile?

What ways can I effectively show my respect, love and devotion to him every single day, without using my words?

I wake up in the early mornings happily and sleepily thinking to myself how much I care about the man I choose to love and be with. How with him, I feel safe. Supported. Comfortable. Stable. Happy.

But as his wife, his lover and the future mother of his children how can I make sure that I am staying true to myself, whilst also being all that he could need? And moreover, what is it that he needs from me? How can I make sure that these needs are fulfilled?

I am fortunate enough that I was raised with my parents both being in the picture. I also had the pleasure of being raised to know my Great Grandmother who was by definition the most traditional and wonderful woman a little girl could look up to. I grew up in church, I learned manners, I learned servitude.

You may think to yourself, this woman is getting off track. I assure you, I am not. You see, when I was a little girl I remember being taught about keeping up the home, cooking, dressing in a way that was classy and pretty without being too provocative. I remember being taught how it was important that you keep your legs crossed or together at all times because it is ladylike. I never talked back to my elders, I never participated in any activity that I did not have permission to attend. I never even shared a kiss with a boy until I was told it was okay for me to start dating. And even with all of these teachings and restrictions, I was absolutely happy! My parents rarely got mad at me, I had some good friends, and I stayed away from activities that would have put me in compromising situations.

All of those things go directly into why I am who I am. Why does it matter in a marriage? It matters because by me doing the things that I have done my entire life, the things that make me feel happy and accomplished are all things that my husband needs from me! The restrictions I had as a child were a perfect way to introduce me to a set of core values and stewardship in a relationship dynamic. All I have to do is be the woman I was brought up to be.

I am blessed in that my husband works full time. He has a full time and part time job, he works long hours and is gone for the better portion of the day, most days.
I recently was able to acquire a job as an independent contractor to clean community bathrooms twice a day in exchange for not having to pay rent for our home. In doing so, I am able to clean the bathrooms an hour or so a day, and spend the rest of the day cooking, cleaning, playing dress up, running errands and have the free time to work on my personal hobbies, fitness, renovation, organizing… etc. my husband takes care of the remaining living expenses and together we have created a Harmonious household and love life.

I wake up in the early morning around 5:00am roll over and kiss my husband good morning. I make him a cup of coffee, pack his lunch make sure he has everything he needs before he leaves, tell him to drive safe then give him a hug and kiss goodbye.
When he comes home he has a clean sanctuary, food already prepared, and a well dressed and happy wife to come home to. Not to mention the unbridled access to love in the bedroom.
I do all of these things that make him happy, and in return he does all of the strenuous work outside of the home to provide for both of us, and that makes me happy!
It REALLY is that simple.

we as women were created to be the nurturing half. It’s love that fuels all the things that I do for him, and because we are so strong as a unit our lives together are fulfilling and exciting. He’s my strong, hardworking, rowdy, motivating, assertive and loving leader. I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything.

always with love,

the traditional lady.

For the Ladies: These things make our relationship stronger, and it really is that simple!
For the Ladies: These things make our relationship stronger, and it really is that simple!
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