"Men aren't meant to be monogamous, it's not in their nature"...True statement or bull excuse?

Men arent meant to be monogamous, its not in their nature...True statement or bull excuse?

This Mytake was originally meant to be posted as a question based off a recent conversation I had with someone(if you can call it that šŸ™„) (I've also seen some guys say that on here) I realize there's points I want to make, I wasn't allowed to in that "conversation" ..

My first point/ statement/question was/would be:

"If you "know" you're incapable of being monogomous, why enter into a monogomous relationship, make promises you don't intend to, are incapable of keeping"...

Of course, I got no answer to that question, but then I suspect I already know the answer:

It's far easier to find people to fall for your lies than it is to find people that will agree to that arrangement..

Which brings us to my first point..

Men arent meant to be monogamous, its not in their nature...True statement or bull excuse?

It's not if you believe in monogomy or don't believe that's the issue to me .

The issue comes in when you're not upfront or honest about it from the get go. Deceiving someone about your true nature, true intentions isn't okay just because you know you may find less partners willing to agree, accept that.

Not only is not fair to them, to play with their feelings, their heart, their life; it's not fair to yourself because the only way you'll get the partner/partners that suits you and your lifestyle best is to be upfront and honest about what you're really looking for/want in a partner and a relationship. Trying to force your lifestyle on others that don't believe in that lifestyle based off lies and deception is never okay.

The second statement/ point/question I would of made/had would of been:

Men arent meant to be monogamous, its not in their nature...True statement or bull excuse?

"It's not always just men that don't believe in monogomy, there's also women that also don't believe in/want a monogomous relationship"

The problem with that is, some men that say it's not in men's nature to be monogomous, 1-will also be the same men to expect their partner to be monogomous even when they themselves aren't. Or 2- the first ones calling women sluts for having multiple partners while excusing/condoning men who do the same..

"Why not excuse it for everyone, instead of the it's not in a "man's nature" why not say it's not "human nature"ā“

Men arent meant to be monogamous, its not in their nature...True statement or bull excuse?

While it may be human nature to get attraction, urges, temptation it can also be human nature to not act on, resist it ..

We can resist other urges, habits we know aren't good for us, but not sex with others if you know it will destroy a person you say you care about or love or the relationship with that personā“

Which brings me to my next point/My opinion/my beliefs...

Men arent meant to be monogamous, its not in their nature...True statement or bull excuse?

"Monogomy shouldn't be seen as a negative expectation or unfair rule .."

To me, being faithful/monogomous is an expression of the true love you have for someone, the knowing you don't need to look for anything else, because you realize you already have everything you want in your spouse/ partner and noone or nothing is worth losing the risk of a lifetime of what you already have/ cherish for one night of sex.

Men arent meant to be monogamous, its not in their nature...True statement or bull excuse?

And lastly, this ties into my point from the get go...

Know what you really want..

"What's more important to youā“ Sex with multiple people to prove your value or worth because you believe it makes you look more macho/manly, more of a success to say you can get, have had multiple women/menā“(whereas I value success more not by how many you can get, how many of "quality" were you able to "keep") Or that one person that will love you, accept you, be with you through anythingā“

Men arent meant to be monogamous, its not in their nature...True statement or bull excuse?

But don't just know what you want, be honest about it, both to yourself and to your potential partners. Wanting different things, having different values/beliefs doesn't make one person right and one person wrong, just means they're the wrong person for each other .. You become wrong when you lie, deceive, cheat, justify to have things your way only, not caring or thinking of anyone but yourself.. And that goes for whether it's a man doing it to women, or a woman doing it to men . Wrong is wrong, neither gender gets a pass ..

Men arent meant to be monogamous, its not in their nature...True statement or bull excuse?

People, don't expect or demand from others what you're not prepared to offer/give of yourself as well...

As always, thanks for readingšŸ’›


"Men aren't meant to be monogamous, it's not in their nature"...True statement or bull excuse?
165 Opinion