My thoughts on being lonely and perpetually single in my 30s.

My thoughts on being lonely and perpetually single in my 30s.

I am about to turn 40 years old in a few short years, and I've never had a girlfriend, never held hands with a girl, never kissed a girl, never heard a girl say "I love you". But you know what? I've gotten used to being by myself, even at work among coworkers I feel alone.

I think I'm the problem, nobody else is responsible for my happiness but me. I'm just too pathetic to even find happiness within myself, no matter how hard I try, and I've tried to improve things so god damn hard yet I can't seem to move past my station in life, as if God wants me to suffer. I was never one of the blessed.

It was never about just sex, it's the companionship, having someone who adores me wrap her arms around me at night, sharing moments with someone who loves me as much as I love her. Unfortunately, at this point I don't think anybody will love me or care about me as much as my mom did, she's the only person who was ever there for me and she's been gone for a few years. Sometimes I feel like ending it all and joining her on the other side.

I'm sorry you all had to read this, I just felt like I needed to vent and I have nowhere else to turn to. Nobody ever listens to me, nobody sees me.

My thoughts on being lonely and perpetually single in my 30s.
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