Should I be worried about my girlfriend hanging out with her slutty friends?

My girlfriend and I have been together for 6 months now. She has admitted to me that she has a slutty past and claims a lot of it had to do with her friends being sluts; i. e "birds of a feather flock together". I'm not judging her for her past, as I can relate to getting caught up in a friend group and being peer pressured. However, now that she's in a relationship and claims to no longer have the same interests as these slutty friends (clubbing to meet guys, getting hammered drunk 4 nights a week, etc) you would think that they would just be old friends and she'd be keeping her distance from them, BUT she's not. She keeps in touch with them weekly and goes out bar hopping with them 1-2 times a month. We just had an argument about how I feel she needs to move on from her friends who she admits were a bad influence but she says they can't influence her anymore and they are all she has.

There will be those who say "you have to trust her" but this isn't about that, it's about being friends with similar morals, likes and dislikes. I don't hang out with the druggie group from school because I don't want to do drugs, I didn't join ski club because I have no interest in skiing. You can choose your friends and the fact that she is choosing to continue to hang out with these friends who made her do things she claims she regrets is a red flag that she is still that person she was and hasn't truly changed...
Should I be worried about my girlfriend hanging out with her slutty friends?
Post Opinion