How long is TOO long - fwb?

Ok- so almost exactly 1 year ago, what was thought to be a one night stand turns out to be a really nice guy. We get to know each other and quickly become fwb'z- side note is that we are also now BEST FRIENDS literally. I mean- it was awesome. So it's been a year and of course feelings have become involved. More than several times he's said that he loves me; doesn't want me to be with anyone else; we've even talked about the possibility of a child. Then there are days when he bashes relationships; "women ain't shyt"; and he AVIDLY states he doesn't want a relationship. By now I'm in love with the man and could see a future with him- (he surely assisted me toward this thinking). I've been 1000% monogamous although not obligated. So last week he comes and says that he received a call from another sexual partner (surprise surprise) who could've potentially given him an STD - and this is just the tip of the icebergs I'm seeing all of a sudden. EVERYTHING CRASHES. Now I'm 'stupid in love' since I started hanging onto every word of his; but his actions are completely the opposite. The can of worms is busted open and here comes the drama. LATEST IS: He confirms his feelings for me- even still telling me he loves me; but simply states he's not ready for a relationship (classic "it's me not you"). I appreciate his friendship and would hate to have to cut him off completely but I suffer everyday because now I don't want to open up and be emotionally vulnerable with him since it just seems I'm being lead on. SO THIS SUCKS- I AM GOING TO END UP LOSING A FRIEND AND IT'S ALL B/C HE WANTED HIS CAKE AND EAT IT TOO... fellas- be blunt- did I just get PUNK'D for the past year? wtf? He says that he can see himself having a family with me and all- so can someone translate this male lingo for me? I HOPE he's not suggesting that we carry on as is (me remaining monogamous until he's f*ckd every girl he can find and just HOPE that he chooses me EVENTUALLY)
How long is TOO long - fwb?
1 Opinion