Am I still a gold digger, even if I feel guilty when he spends money on me?

I'm in a relationship. He's a great guy--intelligent, respectful, trusting, protecting, and determined. He has a great job. His internship pays him $14 an hour. My boyfriend likes to pay for my meals when we go out. I have a job too and make $10.20 an hour. *Note, I was with him BEFORE he worked at all, but our relationship was boring because I had to pay for him--which he didn't like, so we rarely went anywhere!!* Also, I had my current job when we met!!

I feel strange just accepting this free food. He told me not to feel like I owe him anything, when he pays. A few days ago I treated him out to Asian food. I just felt so awful since he paid for me about 4 times prior. Here is the catch... I paid for my own stuff BEFORE he got this job. Since I feel guilty and love him as a person, am I still a gold-digger? How do I stop feeling guilty when he spends money on me? HELP!
Yes, you're still using his money!! (If so, how do I speak up and stop letting him pay all the time?)
No, because you love him too ! You were with him before his job!
No, because you feel guilty and you're not making him buy you clothes/jewelry.
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He will be an Engineer one day... does that make me a FUTURE gold-digger? I will either be a Youth Care Worker or School Counselor. I believe that currently I am NOT a gold-digger... because we don't get paid THAT different in amount. But one day he will make $80,000 and I'll make $20,000-$40,000!!!
Am I still a gold digger, even if I feel guilty when he spends money on me?
47 Opinion