My girlfriend doesn't seem to like when I'm goofy?

So my girlfriend has said she loves my sense of humor but she said that I am goofy far too often... which is not something I have ever heard about myself. That is just my personality. I know when to be serious, but in my every day life I am not a serious person, I like to have fun and look on the bright side and making people laugh. But whenever I try to send a goofy message, she almost always sends a straight laced response and if I send her a funny picture she sends one word responses and just says "what else is up with you?"

I know when it's inappropriate to be goofy, and know when to be serious. Like one time her grandpa got sick, nothing serious, but at that age anything can be serious. I tried to comfort her and told her not to worry, and that he'd be fine. That there is nothing to worry about. I was mainly saying this because there is nothing she could do about it, so I was trying to make the situation less stressful. I've always been the kind of person that tries not to stress about things I can't control. She got mad at me for completely dismissing it and telling me I wasn't taking it seriously. I was taken aback, because I was legitimately trying to comfort her and tell her everything was going to be ok.

I am mainly just confused and stressed out now... because I get in trouble for being goofy "too much" over text, and I get in trouble when I am serious and try to comfort her because I am "dismissing it". This has all been happening kind of recently, and wasn't the case at the beginning of our relationship (been going out about a year). Sometimes I just want to share funny pictures I've found, and she seems like she's above that...
My girlfriend doesn't seem to like when I'm goofy?
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