My boyfriend is taking Xanax for recreation, I hate it?

He has taken Xanax around be a couple times & he seems like he's drunk, slurred speech, off balance, mentally slower, but he's also more pissy, argumentative about things that really don't matter & wouldn't matter to him if he were sober), he's super talkative & defends his action, and tries to convince me that it isn't the Xanax's fault.. He's just a different person that I'm not very fond of..

I learned he used to take it regularly & was addicted.. Now he takes it very occasionally, but it's been twice this week, 2 days in a row & I feel like I need to stop this shit immediately, or he could lose control again. He also tries to hide that he's on it, but I can instantly tell now because of his mini mood swings & being pissy over nothing.

How should I go about telling him I love him to death, but if he wants to keep popping pills, it's going to ruin the relationship because I know one day he's going to cause an argument or say something stupid because of the Xanax.. that he won't be able to take back & I don't want to be with someone that does drugs anyway.

Any experience or advice on this?
My boyfriend is taking Xanax for recreation, I hate it?
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