Boyfriends who are Gamers?

How would you girls feel if your boyfriend was into gaming to the point that they’re called a professional gamer who actually makes money out of gaming too? Would that turn you off or would you be supportive? Also, to those of you who game, what are your thoughts on RDR2?
Boyfriends who are Gamers?
I will dump his ass
I will support him
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+1 y
I totally understand what you’re saying! Gamers do actually tend to favor gaming over anything else going on in the lives when they’re all in! Fortunately, I still have my priorities set straight lol.

For RDR2, it’s a great game and I recommend you try it out.
+1 y
Just to make it clear to anyone who answered: if your boyfriend is a professional gamer but you’re not his priority, then you need a new boyfriend. I was talking about a balanced gaming lifestyle lol if that exists at all. A lifestyle where one would have a career, enjoys fruitful relationships, play sports but also games on an amateur level to make extra cash (not trying to go full blown Ninja here lol). Peace y’all.
Boyfriends who are Gamers?
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