Is it bad to want to keep male friends as back up just in case there is a future chance with them?

I know many guys keep female friendships wether they are in a relationship or not just in case there is a chance with one of them.

Not all guys do that but a great number of men do this (keeping friendships for the chance of a possibility with them)

Well I am in a relationship but for some reason or another we had kept breaking up and getting back together. Now he says it's very serious and wants to make a family with me and just be serious with me.

I have one guy friend who said he would marry me, I keep in touch with him and my boyfriend does not know about him, but today it kind of slipped out into a conversation and he got mad with me and wants to know what i talk about with him and why i'm even talking to him in private chats etc. and I felt scared to I deleted and removed everything about this friend because i don't want to ruin what I have now..

but I somehow feel it's wise to still keep him around not cheating but just in case my boyfriend and i split, i have someone as possibility.. I don't like to start from scratch looking for someone and this guy could be back up

it sounds bad but really would you guys do this?
even if it sounds bad, maybe it's a smart thing to do?
I'm not going to talk or flirt with him but just keep him as contact/friend

What do you guys think?
no don't do it, just delete him. it's bad and not smart
it's smart but it's bad, don't do it.
it's bad but smart maybe keep him as friend
I'm in the same situation and need advice. (want to see results)
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Is it bad to want to keep male friends as back up just in case there is a future chance with them?
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