Guys, what does this sound like in your opinion? If he doesn't want me why not leave me alone and just be with her? Am I overreacting?

My ex ended up getting engaged like 4 oropinion and they broke up cuz she cheated on him and used him for his money. So overreactingWhy anging out again and got close. Well I found out that she was pregnant and I asked him about it and he told me it wasn't his and to leave it alone. But he began to be distant with me and he came around less and I asked him about it and he said he just been busy and I asked him was there someone else and he said no. After a few weeks I found out that his ex had the baby and I didn't know she was that far long and she was saying it was his but he still never mentioned it to me, I was hearing it from other people. So I asked is the baby yours cuz you told me she wasn't. And he said its a possibility and I didn't want to tell you until I was sure and they were going to get a test done. So after that I stopped talking to him for a few weeks and he kept texting me. So when we finally talked I kept asking him was the baby his and he never would tell me he kept asking me what will happen if the baby is his! So I told him if he didn't want me, to just be honest and tell me so I could move on but he never would tell me and would get mad when I mention about moving on from him. So finally after 2 months he tells me that the baby is his and he kept asking me what am I going to do about us and I said I dont know but im willing to try if he wants to. So he was like they messed around one time and it didn't mean nun and it was before we got serious. So I asked for my stuff back and asked what he wanted me to do with his stuff and he got mad and said how can we move forward if I want to hive his stuff back and I was willing to try and work things out. But he mentioned that she brings the baby to see him and they stay a day or 2 and go home buy i told him i wasn't comfortable with that if he claim they not together. He said he told her if its not about the baby he doesn't want to hear nun else and they not together.
Guys, what does this sound like in your opinion? If he doesn't want me why not leave me alone and just be with her? Am I overreacting?
2 Opinion