Boyfriend always thinks I'm mad or sad?

I don't get it. Haha 🤣 I'm on xbox most of the time laughing with friends sooooo... Yeah. We been together for a year and the past 3 months he's been complaining "you're always sick" because I have really allergies.
"You're always sad or got this cloud over you.".. what?
"You're always mad""You're a wet blanket"He was mad tonight because I was on facebook while we were watching Netflix and said " I don't care if you did it on purpose! Isn't that rude to you? He was pissed I thought to myself... if I didn't do it to make you mad... WHY ARE YOU MAD? He repeats this DAILY. Oh and then when we talk he turns everything into a fight or flips it and says "yeah I know how it feels". Always patronizing me. And making everything about HIM HIM HIM. If I'm quiet he gets pissed which I find hilarious because I've been quiet since I was a baby, since I was a kid. I'm a quiet person. He liked it then.. now he gets pissed. Why is he acting like a emotional little prick? Oh and I HAVE to cook or heat up his food. I HAVE to make his coffee. I think if I say no he will hit me. I HAVE to wake him up for work because he won't wakeup on time. Dude blamed for him being late to work everyday. He stays up every night till 3am and had to work at 8... how stupid is that? Then complains how he can't hear his alarm... he's 42 by the way.
Boyfriend always thinks I'm mad or sad?
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