Should I contact a girl that I used to be interested in, since she’s not in a relationship anymore?

We used to be co-workers, until I quite to work somewhere else. Not because of her, but to have a better opportunity job wise. She’s was in a relationship during the time we were co-workers and a little after I quit. Learned that she’s single from social media. We are friends on Facebook and Instagram. The only problem is that I moved and live in a different state now.

She’s in her early years of college, so I’m not sure, if she’ll attend a university outside of California, once she’s graduated from the community college she attends. Should I even catch up and reach out to her. I do plan on moving back to California, but that won’t be for awhile. She’s only 19 years old, so she can think about her future and things can change.

What should I do in a situation like this?
Yes, go for it!
No, don’t do it.
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Should I contact a girl that I used to be interested in, since she’s not in a relationship anymore?
Post Opinion