What happens if a tall woman and shorter man have a kid? How does this affect their kid's height?

I'm legitimately curious. Now, in most couples, the man is taller than the woman.

The thing is, I want to have a family of my own one day, but I am 5'6(167 cm). Right now, I'm trying to get with my friend's sister "Wolf" (my nickname for her), and she is 5'10 and a half. So she's 4 and a half inches taller than me.
What happens if a tall woman and shorter man have a kid? How does this affect their kids height?
We're currently just friends right now, but I am hoping to date her and if the relationship SOMEHOW lasts that long, have a family with her.

Although I will admit, one of the reasons why I find her attractive is because she's taller than me--and she knows this about me and LIKES it! So many other tall women would feel so insecure about it.
What happens if a tall woman and shorter man have a kid? How does this affect their kids height?
The thing is, I don't like tallness in women because tall women are usually stronger than shorter ones (Physical strength in women is really important to me). I kinda also wanna have kids with a taller woman to compensate for my shortness and give my kids a boost in height. I apologize if that last part just sounds scummy or creepy.

But I'm not sure how this situation would work. If a tall woman had children with a shorter man, how would this affect the child's height? In fact, what physical traits are more likely to be inherited by the mother?
What happens if a tall woman and shorter man have a kid? How does this affect their kids height?
I'd also appreciate detailed explanations. And if you know someone who's mom is taller than their dad, feel free to include them in your answer!
+1 y
@JosyJosy and @ShadezMcgee, I'd also appreicate answers from you two, since you're kind of my niggas on this site.
What happens if a tall woman and shorter man have a kid? How does this affect their kid's height?
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