Ladies and Gentlemen! I wonder if you have a significant other would you spend the whole day in bed with him/her?

Just imagine today is a very beautiful day, neither of you two don't have to go to work today. The whole house is completely clean and your partner has thought of an idea for the both of you guys, s/he been thinking of only staying in bed with you. The only time you guys get up is to do little important things like taking a shower or getting something to eat. How do that sounds guys and girls if your SO suggested that the two of you to only spend the day being in the bed and having a lazy off day would you go through with it?

Also if you do agree to have a lazy day in the bed, what sort of activities would you and your so other would protake in?
I imagine if my SO wanted to spend the whole day in bed, we will probably play a ton of board games and maybe video games. Hopefully both me and her would be butt ass naked and we each taking turns jerking the other off. What about you ladies and gentlemen if you do think it is a great idea, what would you girls and boys protake in with your SO?
Ladies and Gentlemen! I wonder if you have a significant other would you spend the whole day in bed with him/her?
Ladies and Gentlemen! I wonder if you have a significant other would you spend the whole day in bed with him/her?
Ladies and Gentlemen! I wonder if you have a significant other would you spend the whole day in bed with him/her?
Ladies and Gentlemen! I wonder if you have a significant other would you spend the whole day in bed with him/her?
Ladies and Gentlemen! I wonder if you have a significant other would you spend the whole day in bed with him/her?
Ladies and Gentlemen! I wonder if you have a significant other would you spend the whole day in bed with him/her?
31 Opinion